Arkrite's Asylum

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Re: Arkrite's Asylum

Post by Arkrite »

Eddie Murtaugh is one of the few characters I remember playing that actually finished a full campaign. Sadly it's been so long that all I remember is that Flynn was playing the sister of Carrie Luo.
And there were a lot of over the top fights ;~)

The only other one I remember off the top of my head is the Purple Provoker.

That being said there are a few honorable mentions who went through a lot of adventures, even if there wasn't a finale per say, but I'll probably go into long winded gushing about those characters when I get to them. ;~)
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Re: Arkrite's Asylum

Post by Arkrite »

What exactly is happening here? wrote:This character was created for a game Davies was running, with an anime style setting. The idea being that you needed to come up with an anime style character who had a number of supporting cast characters.
Sadly I wasn't around to play in the game, but I had a TON of fun making the most generic anime protagonist I could then putting in every possible oddball character I could think of as his supporting cast.
It's silly, it's almost unplayable as a character, but I had so much fun that I still love this to this very day.
In every generation there is a chosen one. A chosen one to fulfill prophecy; to right epic wrongs; to free the people; to fight the evil.

Kondou Kaito is The Chosen One.

Except that he's not.

In some giant cosmic joke Kaito is ultimately the perfect choice for any randomized selection. If destiny doesn't already have a specific somebody in mind, Kaito is immediately pegged for the job. Be it a trip for two to France, a lifetime supply of bubble gum, or the person who needs to be sacrificed so that the unwashed demonic horde from Dimension Z can invade.

The only problem being that Kaito isn't the correct person for the job. He's normal. He's a completely, and totally normal high school student with no special abilities or amazing talents, and certainly no magical powers to solve all the problems he's "chosen" for. But Fate being Fate, that hasn't stopped him from being the chosen one for one little instant.

Kaito is a bastion of normality in a hurricane of absurdity. His mother is a goddess from another dimension, of what she won't say (or rather she will say but it seems to change on a daily to weekly basis). His father is a master detective of supernatural crime. His best friend builds robots for fun, while another plots constantly to take over the class, the town or the world depending on the day. Two of his friends are an angel and a demon, both obsessed with using him to win the "war" for their respective sides, and the last one is an alien princess who (fanatically) believes that marrying him will somehow gain her control over the planet.

Kondou Kaito
Kaito is an almost completely average high school student with only three noticeable quirks. He's far more level headed than most of the people around him (considering his friends, not hard), he's very adept at bandaging wounds (considering his friends, not surprising), and he's very good at running from danger and explosions (Considering, well, you get the idea).
Kaito isn't interested in being a god, or a supernatural detective, a mad scientist's guinea pig, the right hand man of the emperor of the world, the champion of heaven, or the lord of hell, or even the alien King of the all powerful militaristic Nukku-Nukku Conglomerate (who are quite powerful, even if nobody's encountered, seen, or even heard of them before!).
He actually just wants to be a normal kid, with a girlfriend, maybe a dog. To grow up, fool around with said girlfriend, get a job as a doctor, and to have an average normal family.
Fate, however, has decided against this bending probability around him to show him to be The Chosen One. Even when he's not. Causing him to be the center of all sorts of havoc and mayhem as he desperately tries to hide the weirdness around him and tries to maintain a level of sanity.
After all, what girl in their right mind would go out with him when he's kidnapped on a regular basis, sent hurtling through time, or dragged off to fight the dragon as only the Chosen One can.
In spite of this he's actually quite caring towards the people around him, and somewhat of a pushover when his life isn't in peril.

Oracle - the tiny robot computer girl
His constant companion is a tiny robot computer made of Nukku-Nukku technology, designed by his mad scientist friend, and brought to life with the supernatural gizmos of his father and the awesome might of the Goddess Of Life (for a week in August in '06).
This tiny robot, Oracle, built to resemble a pretty young girl wearing a pixy costume, is actually a self aware, ambulatory robot built to serve as a laptop for Kaito.
While now quite fond of the robot, he was quite upset that instead of a nice normal laptop he now had a very vocal tiny girl instead.
While sturdy for her size, hard to hit and surprisingly accurate with anything she can get her little hands on she's almost completely helpless. Her main function, besides appearing from her hiding place in a pocket, backpack, coat, or other item (and panicking Kaito who is then forced to try to hide or explain her existence as something mundane) is as a mobile laptop. She's got a holographic display, wireless modem, telephone capabilities, and a built in camera. Not to mention she's the best friend a guy can have when doing anything involving math...
Weaknesses: Doesn't understand humans or human needs (like AIR), tiny, unable to get around quickly without assistance, doesn't understand sarcasm (everything is taken literally)
Quirks: Must always be with (or at least attempt to be with) Kaito. Often hides in his clothes without his knowledge and pops out (often at the most inopportune times) to offer suggestions or answers. (She has learned that hiding in his pants is completely off limits after one incident. Coincidentally he's not allowed in one small town due to a case of "indecent exposure"...)

Kondou Ryu - Supernatural Detective extrodinare! (Dad)
Kaito's father is a master detective. No mystery to big, or small, will ever escape him.
As long as it's about embezzling bigfoot. Or a serial killer yeti. Or werewolf kidnappers. Or a murder in the seely court. So long as it's got a supernatural element he's an unstoppable force for justice.
In normal crime he's completely oblivious, leaving him with a reputation among normal people for being a blundering fool, unable to tell who the criminal is between a yakuza punk with a gun from a granny handing over her purse while trembling in fear.
He met his wife in a supermarket over a cantaloupe. They got married a year later after many strange adventures and hi-jinx aplenty. He wants Kaito to follow in his footsteps and often tries to involve him in cases.
Weakness: Useless versus normal crime, or normal criminals. Can't tell the difference between real supernatural creatures and people in masks most of the time. Believes his wife to be a stage magician.
Quirks: So well known and respected in supernatural circles that some creatures approach Kaito in an attempt to meet with Ryu... in public. Sometimes in school. Which invariably results in Kaito being forced to hide the new supernatural entity from his classmates, his teachers, the school nurse...
Embarrassing Dad stories. Embarrassing stories from Dad. Embarrassing stories from Dad about his case to Kaito's friends.

Kondou Yui - Goddess off the Week! (Mom)
Kaito's mother and all powerful goddess of (fill in the blank this week). Accidentally entering this dimension during one of Ryu's cases she followed along mostly to watch what she believed was her high priest of this world save the day.
Cantaloupe? What's that? No, I'm pretty sure it was some kind of summoning ritual. Or some kind of festive dance dedicated to her.
Regardless she found herself irresistibly drawn to the priest... detective, what's that? No, he's a priest. Doing good in her name.
Anyways, she fell deeply in love with him and now spends most of her time in this dimension avoiding her godly duties to look after her new darling son. She awaits the day when he too will become a god and she'll have little godlings to dote on.
If only the poor boy could find a proper girl... an easy task if that pesky accord wasn't in place.
Weakness: Goddess of (fill in the blank)'s powers are limited to her (usually) very limited aspect and usually change at the drop of a hat. Also limited in usage of her power due to a certain non-interference agreement with some guy in a cape. Of course, accidents happen. She usually sees the world in the way that best suits her mood. Doesn't understand normal humans. Or human mortality. Believes her husband is actually her high priest who is utterly devoted to her. (One out of two isn't bad, right?)
Quirks: Goddess of Matchmaking! Goddess of Blind Dates! Goddess of Destined Love! Oops, did I leave the door to the next dimension open? What do you mean the dishes aren't supposed to clean themselves? Don't your flowers sing? Kaito I've found you the most darling girl! Kaito, can you help me with my godly duties in my home dimension, I've got to make dinner cook itself.

Kurusugawa Kaname Girl Genius! (Friend)
Kaname is Kaito's oldest friend. They met the first time she needed a victim to see what kind of affect a super colider would have on the average person. In fact, every time she needs a test subject he always appears to be the perfect choice! Even that one on the effects of Chemical X on women.
That being said she's a lovable, but somewhat clumsy and inept. This is offset by her sheer capability for destruction and creation of awe inspiringly powerful devices.
Thankfully the two work against each other and rarely do her inventions do what they were supposed to. Unless she was planning on them exploding, in which case they usually do.
Obsessed with the latest and greatest technology, building a robot army, and looking after her pet cyborg rabbit Usagi-Chan (One of her two only real successes... that haven't exploded). Science is her one true love. But when she's not doing that she hangs out with Kaito because he's fun, and always bandages her up when she blows herself up. And you wouldn't believe the neat things you can run into when you're with him...
Weakness: Kaname is always making devices of unstoppable might and mayhem, or simply awe inspiring ability (immortality chamber, time travel devices). Unfortunately she always either forgets to install something, or bumps the wrong thing and poof! Big boom. Even her smaller inventions like her jet boots and ray gun often fail in extraordinarily large ways. She's also very attached to Kaito. After all, if something happens to him who will try out her new gender bender ray? Especially since the computer just mathematically proved he was the perfect choice!
Quirks: Ooops, I think the nuclear core in my watch is about to go critical! Of course I remembered to program them not to hurt people... I think... Wow, I think we shot back 2000 years into the past! Aww, the super collider super exploded! Hey, Kaito, you have to be my lab partner, I just found a new formula for the ultimate superglue... or a new form of C4, I can't remember!

Usagi-Chan - The Gun Bunny [of doom!] (Friend's pet)
Usagi-Chan appears to be a normal rabbit, obsessed with normal lagomorph behavior, and is cute beyond all belief when girls are around.
But when threatened (or Kaito's around) this little lagomorph suddenly transforms to reveal cybernetic attachments across it's tiny body and then the giant guns appear!
After Usagi was hit by a car Kaname, heartbroken, rebuilt him from the ground up as best she can. Now she's got her beloved pet back.
And accidentally made herself a bodyguard.
Weakness: It's a rabbit. With guns. But it's still just a rabbit. Guns are nonlethal (in spite of unreal size and frightening looks). Not allowed in school. (Besides, he'd never get past the metal detectors...)
Quirks: Hates Kaito. Often attempts to kill him when nobody's around. Will save Kaito from inevitable death... so that he may (try) to kill Kaito himself. Always acts cute and innocent when anybody else is around (and Kaname isn't in danger) usually resulting in Kaito being found in a mostly destroyed room with only a cute little bunny to blame...

Edigo Hiro - Future ruler of the Classroom/block/town/city/country/world! (Friend)
Hiro is also the Chosen One. He has been chosen to take over the classroom for the good of all humanity! He'll lead them into a glorious new regime of justice, peace and prosperity!
And then he'll finally have himself a harem of beautiful women fawning over him at all hours of the day!
Hiro is obsessed with being in charge, mostly because women love men who are powerful. And Hiro loves women. But no woman could love a man as silly and obsessed as him.
Thus he must take over the world (for it's own good of course) so that women will fall in love with him (it makes perfect sense, believe me!).
But all of his attempts thus far have been complete failures because he lacks what every overlord truly needs: A completely trustworthy right hand man. One who's incapable of betrayal, whom people can believe in and aspire to be. After hard work and deliberation he discovered that Kaito was the perfect choice.
With Kaito's uniqueness attached to his own unstoppable tactical mind the world would be theirs in no time. Now he just has to sell Kaito on this...
Weakness: His ultimate plans usually follow bizarre patterns. Step 1, win the talent contest. Step 2, .... Step 3, world domination! Normally his plans are completely incapable of taking over the room, much less the world. Also his obsession with women often trips him up.
Quirks: Has three ninjas at his beck and call (Oracle took down all three with a single pebble though...). Prone to dark plotting, and having his glasses shine ominously while talking about taking over a city block... by selling girl guide cookies. Obsessed with fame, because it can lead to girls. err, World domination. Obviously the only way to take over the world is to win this cooking contest. Believe in me, fellow students, we shall revolt and riot and then we shall be given the Salisbury steak we deserve! All his plans are impossible to complete. The ones that actually could work are usually stolen, forcing him (and by extension his right hand man Kaito) to have to defeat his own brilliant plan to get women... err, take over the world!

Angela - Teenage Seraphim (Friend)
Sent to this world Angela has only one goal. To prove Demos wrong!
No, wait, to get Kaito to join her side in the holy war. The prophecy dictates that a human can bring about the end of their endless war between the angelic and demonic armies. The only one who could be spared to bring him to their side.
Now she fights to keep Demos from causing trouble. Err, to get Kaito, the chosen one, to join her side and crush the demonic army!
Except this world is so strange and hard to understand! And how do you convince him to join? Until she can figure it out she'll have to continue posing as a student (transfer of course) until she can finally crush Demos. err, Win over Kaito!
Weakness: Obsessed with Demos. To the point of distraction. Loves to point out how her brethren's ways are the only true way to save humanity. Gullible to the point of ridiculous. Must try to get Kaito on her side. Due to her angelic good looks most of the girls in the school hate her. And most of the boys want her... attention.
Quirks: Will believe anything anybody says (even Demos) because why would anybody lie to her? No, no, that's not what an angel looks like, it's like this! Sorry, I only tried to exercise you because you looked like a demon! You all must listen to this angelic symphony, don't worry I've been told it is completely likely to cause your head to explode like in the stories. Sorry teacher, I didn't mean to enrapture the choir class. But cherubs are SUPPOSED to be in valentine's day events, just look at all the pictures! Oooh, I see why daddy hates that Demos! He'd be so much easier to crush if he wasn't so cute...

Demos - Teenage Demon (Friend)
Sent to this world Demos has only a dozen goals. The most important, of course is to rid the world of that smug little goodie too shoes angel and... no, wait, sorry, it's to get the chosen one to join their side and win the war!
Sadly the chosen one can't be forced to end the war, he has to do so willingly. So Demos spends his time trying to tempt Kaito into joining with promises of power, money, women, money and power. Sadly so far all of his attempts to bribe Kaito have failed due to the boy's bizzare desire to be normal.
In his spare time he usually uses his demonic bad-boy image to twist the hearts of the girls at the school around his finger... and sends them after that no good, goody two shoes, beautiful beacon of love and happy... err, winged floozy! I meant Winged floozy!
Weakness: Obsessed with Angela. Terrified of being touched by women (even though he's attracted to Angela... err, them! I meant them!) Must enjoy life as much as possible while he's free of the war.
Quirks: Hey, there's this party going on down town. Ever been to a demon rave? Raise a little hell, raise a little hell, raise a little hell! Good news, we've joined a street gang! No officer, I have no idea how I got your badge. Hello, ladies, who wants to have a little fun in the pool during Kaito's gym class!? Look at all these nice gold bars I found you! From some fort in the US! No? How about control of the local mafia lords? No? Then how about a harem, I've got half the female school population in bikinis and they're waiting to see you! COME ON IN GIRLS! AAAAAG! Get them off, get them off! Save me! I wish I could get my hands on that little no good Angel, I'd totally kiss that smile off her face. Wipe! I meant wipe!

Ayla-Ayla of the great AND powerful Nukku-Nukku Conglomerate! (Friend)
An alien princess (is there any other kind) that came to this world looking for a man their oracle assured them would result in a rapid expansion of their (already!) great AND powerful empire! This man, for reasons unclear, was one Kondou Kaito, and it was assured that by her marriage with this Chosen One the empire would be brought to new levels of prosperity.
Of course they didn't want to scare the poor man with a great showing of her all powerful armies, and massive space fleets that boggled the mind. That, of course, is why she came alone in a small one person ship to this planet.
She's so powerful she doesn't require assistance, especially not to protect her from these pitiful humans!
Unfortunately her attempts to woo Kaito have failed rather horribly. Apparently an armed assault on their house is not seen as a sign of respect in this culture. The fall back plan of clubbing him over the head and marrying him at gunpoint also failed due to the intervention of his other friends and one psychotic bunny rabbit.
Drugging, kidnapping, blackmailing, even bribing the parents failed (well, the mother almost went for it) and she's starting to run out of ideas on how to force him to marry her. Failing at everything else she's decided to infiltrate his school, hiding her beautiful feline ears and taping fake ones to the side of her head. Through these efforts she will discover his one true weakness, and then she will CRUSH HIM! And marry him, of course.
Weakness: Ayla-Ayla's about as subtle as a brick wall, and about as good at planning things. Her alarming superhuman might allows her to work this way, but means she doesn't know what to do in a situation where Kaito keeps saying no and violence isn't an option. (She can't damage him, it might risk the Nukku-Nukku Conglomerate's future!) She's also got a slight problem with attention spans, shiney objects, and fast moving things distracting her. She's also a bit of a racist, feeling nothing but disgust and contempt for most of the humans around her. She's also jealous of Kaname for being close to him, Angela for being ALMOST as pretty as she is (stupid angels, not having to watch what they eat, have to work out two hours a day to keep my battle ready figure... *grumble*), Demos for trying to make a patsy out of her, and Hiro for trying to touch her royal personage! Repeatedly! Ironically if she actually made friends with them she'd probably have a real shot at winning Kaito's heart (he's actually liked her the few times she HASN'T been demanding his hand in marriage). She's also obsessed with Kaito's well being, since he is to be her future husband! And after watching everything he goes through (and survives) on a regular basis she's starting to feel a strange bit of affection for him. Or a cold. Probably a cold. After all a true princess of the Nukku-Nukku Conglomerate would never truly care for one of this silly monkeys, no matter how courageous!! ...Um... Right?
Quirks: MARRY ME! Begone smelly human, I have no time for your pop quizzes. You have the right to be wed, anything you said can and will be used to destroy your friends! If you don't marry me. Now! Do it! Silly human army, you can't hope to stop me! You dare to stand before the might of the Princess of the great AND powerful Nukku-Nukku Conglomerate!? What's a "cold" and why don't I feel well? These sweet nectar of the gods, these, sushi I must have more! I warn you, I will release this deadly Novocaine gas into the classroom unless you MARRY ME NOW! Dear students, I have claimed your detention room in the name of the Nukku-Nukku Conglomerate, if you wish to have it returned you must hand over... why are you laughing? Stop laughing!!!

Kaito's Feelings towards:
Kaname- The sister he never wanted. He does love her, though, in a family way. Especally when she's not trying to use him as a test subject. She's the one he trusts most in the world.
Hiro - In spite of his constant posturing, his silly plans, his loud and creepy declarations and the ninjas (WTF... ninjas?) Hiro is a good friend of his and he enjoys hanging out with him. Sure he acts weird, but most of the time his silly plans are only mildly embarrassing and are usually a lot of fun.
Angela - She makes his heart skip a beat. Unfortunately she's only got eyes for Demos, which pretty much takes away his only reason to want to help her win her war. (Seriously, a war? no thanks!) But she's a really nice girl who means well, and needs somebody to keep an eye on her before somebody pulls her off to a love motel on false pretenses.
Demos - Is a royal pain in the butt. His constant meddling is a thorn in the side, and he never, ever catches a hint. But when he's not doing that he's actually a surprisingly good guy, for a demon. He's also one of the first to dive in to help when the craziness starts. He's also the best about hiding his true nature. Though how nobody notices his red skin is beyond him.
Ayla-Ayla - What is her problem? Half the time she's actually kind of nice, and fun to talk to. The other half of the time she's running around like a maniac screaming at me to marry her! I wish she'd just calm down, and stop causing me so much trouble!

Kondou Kaito

Power Level: 10; Power Points Spent: 61/150

STR: +0 (10), DEX: +0 (10), CON: +0 (10), INT: +0 (10), WIS: +5 (20), CHA: +0 (10)

Tough: +0/+2, Fort: +0, Ref: +8, Will: +5

Skills: Bluff 4 (+4), Computers 3 (+3), Diplomacy 4 (+4), Knowledge (business) 2 (+2), Knowledge (civics) 2 (+2), Knowledge (current events) 2 (+2), Knowledge (earth sciences) 2 (+2), Knowledge (history) 2 (+2), Knowledge (life sciences) 4 (+4), Knowledge (physical sciences) 2 (+2), Knowledge (popular culture) 2 (+2), Knowledge (technology) 2 (+2), Language 1 (+1), Medicine 5 (+10), Notice 3 (+8), Pilot 3 (+3), Stealth 4 (+4), Swim 5 (+5)

Feats: Benefit (The Chosen One), Defensive Roll 2, Equipment 1, Evasion, Minions 5, Fanatical, Uncanny Dodge (Hearing)

Diligent Student (Quickness 1) (Perform routine tasks at 2x speed; One Type (Homework (Mental)))
Run Away! (Speed 1) (Speed: 10 mph, 88 ft./rnd)

Equipment: Camera, Cell Phone

Attack Bonus: +0 (Ranged: +0, Melee: +0, Grapple: +0)

Attacks: Unarmed Attack, +0 (DC 15)

Defense: +6 (Flat-footed: +3), Knockback: -1

Initiative: +0

Languages: English, Japanese

Totals: Abilities 10 + Skills 13 (52 ranks) + Feats 16 + Powers 2 + Combat 12 + Saves 8 + Drawbacks 0 = 61


Oracle The Anthro Computer

Power Level: 10; Power Points Spent: 75/75

STR: -5 (1), DEX: +0 (10), CON: +0 (10), INT: +4 (18), WIS: -2 (6), CHA: +0 (10)

Tough: +0, Fort: Immune, Ref: +0, Will: -2

Skills: Climb 8 (+3), Computers 6 (+10), Gather Information 5 (+5), Knowledge (physical sciences) 4 (+8), Stealth 1 (+13)

Feats: Equipment 1, Hide in Plain Sight

Anthro-Computer Chassis (Shrinking 12) (-12 STR, -3 size categories, 1/4 movement speed; Normal Toughness; Permanent)
Holographic Computer Display (Illusion 1) (affects: 3 sense types - visual, auditory, DC 11)
Robot Anatomy (Immunity 30) (fortitude saves)
Wireless Internet Connection (Datalink 6) (sense type: radio)

Equipment: Camera, Cell Phone, Flashlight, GPS Receiver, Laptop Computer

Attack Bonus: +4 (Ranged: +4, Melee: +4, Grapple: -17)

Attacks: Unarmed Attack, +4 (DC 10)

Defense: +4 (Flat-footed: +2), Size: Diminutive, Knockback: +3

Initiative: +0

Languages: Native Language

Totals: Abilities 4 + Skills 6 (24 ranks) + Feats 2 + Powers 63 + Combat 0 + Saves 0 + Drawbacks 0 = 75

Obsession (Hiding the weirdness!)
Obsession (Girlfriend please?)
Responsibility (Mom, Dad, Kaname, Hiro, Angela, Demos (sigh), and even Ayla (after all, who else does she have?) )
Enemies (Ayla-Ayla, The unwashed demonic horde of Dimension X (no relation to Demos), Tabloid newspaper photographers, Usagi-Chan(!!!))
Accident (The Chosen One!)

Benefit (The Chosen One): If the person who is to be the "Chosen One" isn't named somewhere in the prophecy, and Kaito is anywhere nearby, he is immediately mistaken for the Chosen One.
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Re: Arkrite's Asylum

Post by Arkrite »

Wess Lockard
Concept: Detective / two fisted action movie hero
Age: 31
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 210 lbs
Hair: White
Eyes: Brown

Power Level: 8; Power Points Spent: 120/120

STR: +7 (14/24), DEX: +0 (10), CON: +8 (16/26), INT: +3 (16), WIS: +2 (14), CHA: +3 (16)

Tough: +8, Fort: +8, Ref: +4, Will: +5

Skills: Bluff 8 (+11), Diplomacy 1 (+4), Gather Information 5 (+8), Intimidate 1 (+4), Investigate 1 (+4), Knowledge (behavioral science) 2 (+5), Knowledge (civics) 1 (+4), Knowledge (streetwise) 2 (+5), Knowledge (tactics) 1 (+4), Notice 4 (+6), Search 1 (+4), Sense Motive 13 (+15)

Feats: All-Out Attack, Connected, Contacts, Distract (Bluff), Dodge Focus 5, Equipment 3, Fascinate (Bluff), Fearless, Inspire 5 (+5), Leadership, Luck 3, Master Plan, Power Attack, Set-Up, Takedown Attack, Taunt, Teamwork 3, Well-Informed

Adrenal Surge 10 (+10 STR/CON; Total Fade; Slow Fade 2 (5 minutes))
. . Enhanced Intelligence 18 (Alternate; +18 INT)

Equipment: Cell Phone, Flashlight, Handcuffs, Heavy Pistol, Mini-Tracer, Padded Leather Gloves (Brass Knuckles), Stun Ammo

Attack Bonus: +8 (Ranged: +8, Melee: +8, Grapple: +15)

Attacks: Heavy Pistol, +8 (DC 19), Padded Leather Gloves, +8 (DC 23), Unarmed Attack, +8 (DC 22)

Defense: +8 (Flat-footed: +2), Knockback: -4

Initiative: +0

Languages: Native Language

Totals: Abilities 26 + Skills 10 (40 ranks) + Feats 32 + Powers 23 + Combat 22 + Saves 7 + Drawbacks 0 = 120

Wess Lockard was born in Burnaby British Columbia. He graduated, joined the Canadian military and the rest was history.
Well, actually he got blacklisted by his CO after he turned in a couple of officers for misconduct.
Realizing his career was over due to politics, he quit the army when his time was up and moved to law enforcement.
Where he quickly was blacklisted by his former CO who it turns out was quite influential.
Unable to get a job with the police, and unwilling to consider another profession he did what he felt was his only choice.
He moved to the US, Freedom City, and got a job as a security guard while he applied for citizenship. Citizenship in hand he immediately applied for the police and worked as a beat cop for three years before being promoted to Detective.
He proved himself to be a good detective and a good police officer; an officer of unquestionable honor with an honest desire to clean the streets for the good of the people.
He also proved he didn't know when to shut his mouth.
And it may have nearly cost him his life.
Somebody planted a bomb in his car, but instead of blowing up the entire car and disintegrating him on the spot the bomb was apparently dislodged just before exploding and the car was only partially caught in the blast. Wess spent a year in a coma, and six months in rehabilitation. He made a complete recovery, to the amazement of the doctors, and blew through the physical exams for the police force, and promptly closed three cases after hitting the streets for only a week.
Needless to say he was quickly put under watch by the police force for signs of superhuman powers.
Wess, though, has disregarded all of this as "Baloney".
"Look, this nonsense about super powers is baloney. I got blown up. I got better. And the whole experience left me a with a better focus on life. You want superpowers, go bug the Freedom League. Me, I've got work to do."

His near death experience has left him with three other side effects: a burning desire to know who tried to kill him (and why), and white hair. The shock was so significant that it had the side effect of turning his hair snow white.
The last, and most strange, is that it changed his personality slightly. He now talks, and acts, like he's a hero from an old 80's TV show. The only noticeable detriment, beyond most people thinking him a little odd, is that his insults are almost comical at times.
Telling a notorious drug dealer that he's a "slimeball" and he better "hit the road" before you "teach you and your greaseball friends some manners" is more likely to be met with open laughter then any honest fear.

Concept: Wess is an action movie hero/armchair detective. He's got the brains to snap together the problems, and in a pinch he is an almost superhuman force to be reckoned with, be it guns or fisticuffs.
His biggest weakness is that if he's ever caught by surprise he'll be an easy target.
His biggest asset, though, is that he works surprisingly well with others, and though Master Plan, Inspire, Teamwork, and Set-Up he's quite capable of giving his allies the openings they need in a fight.


"Wess, we asked you for a list of suspects on the bombing that nearly killed you..."
"I gave you one!"
"You took a blank piece of paper and wrote 'Everybody' at the top!"

Wess has been around long enough to make enemies of all the wrong people. He's angered Canadian military personnel, business officials, criminals, super heroes, super villains and even other police officers during his careers. In his defense this usually means they had something to hide, or he had them charged or jailed for some offense.

Obsession: Not knowing when to shut up
"Now, Mr Lockard, you will tell us what you told the DA about me..."
"Okay. I told him: you're ugly and your momma dresses you funny."

Wess doesn't know how to quit when he's ahead. Either he can't stop himself from piping up, or just can't resist rubbing salt in the wounds. For the sake of his job he's learned to (mostly) curb it when dealing with his bosses, but with the criminal element...

Reputation: Troublemaker
People know Wess for being a troublemaker, for being vocal about any problems that are being faced, and for speaking a little too freely of his opinions at times. This has had the result of sending most officials he's attempting to speak with to head for the hills, bar their doors, and do anything to avoid him. It has also resulted in the news reporters making a bee-line for him...

Reputation: Hardliner
The police are a bastion of good in service for the people. Wess believes this, and has no problems doing anything and everything in his power to see that the police force contains no corruption. This has made him a few friends and a few enemies, but considering the latter wants to seem like the former there's really no telling which is which.
The unfortunate part is that it has result in a lot of other officers whom don't want to talk to him, for ratting our a fellow cop, or simply because they're afraid they might implicate somebody by accident.
Wess is notorious for having troubles getting reports, requisitioning equipment, getting interviews with his fellow officers, and for being completely out of the loop in office gossip because of this.

Quasi Complication
- Forbidden Love
Wess has a serious crush on Lisa Langley.
Unfortunately he has a weird way of showing it because he's usually the most vocal on disagreements with her on how just about everything is handled. For this reason he's kept a hat on things since he's sure there's no future to be had with her.
It hasn't stopped him from doing his best to keep a eye out for her.

-Jack Conroy, owner of the Blind Duck bar. His closest friend, and some might say his only real friend.
-Barry Albert Bonas, a gentle giant and runner of a youth center. He keeps Wess up to date on local events, and Wess in turn helps out at the youth center. Be it giving lectures on what the police really do, helping keep the sports teams going, or giving special attention to one of Barry's more troubled kids.
-Tommy Picorelli, a confidence man. Wess would have run him in years ago, except Tommy ("Thomas!") has restricted his con games to the people who were simply too wealthy to begin with. Besides, if you get past the lying and the obsession with beautiful women the man's actually a pretty decent kid. Wess keeps him at arms length to prevent himself from having to arrest Tommy, but they have swapped information before.
-Harry Muldoon Marel, a former police officer and one of Wess' old partners. Currently he's on psychiatric leave, and spending time at the hospital after a severe mental breakdown.

-"Two-Ton" Laroo
, leader of a gang called the Aces Wild gang. He's got an axe to grind after Wess got him tossed in Juvie, and his older brother into prison.
-Ajax the Destroyer, supervillain. The guy is a waste of invulnerable flesh, and is wanted on for a few dozen different reasons. But he's simply to big of a threat for the police to handle themselves, and Wess has had to watch the walking tank get away multiple times while they waited for AEGIS or the Freedom Legion to show up to solve the problem. Which, so far, hasn't happened until Ajax was long gone.
-Pierce Jericho, high class drug dealer and self styled "crime boss". Pierce and Wess had a run in not long after Pierce "allegedly" sold some bad dope to some high school kids, ending with a dozen dead kids. Wess chased down the case with a vigor but the evidence was too flimsy to bring to court, since all of the witnesses were dead. Pierce got off scott free... but appeared with a black eye, broken nose, broken hand, bruised ribs and one heck of a limp a few days later. Pierce accused Wess of the beating, but ironically there was no evidence to link Wess to any of it. The only thing Wess has said about it was that "the man who did that deserves a medal for teaching that punk a lesson"
-"Snakes" Washington, a fixer and tough guy for the local mob. Wess has been looking for an excuse to lock him up after the murder of a young woman. Washington has been looking for an excuse to put Wess into the Freedom City Harbor...

Side Note:
For those of you who don't have Ultimate Power, Adrenaline Surge is Boost Strength/Constitution with the drawback of "Tiring" built in. At the end of the "Adrenaline Surge" he automatically takes a level of fatigue.
The leather gloves are basically just brass knuckles, I just preferred the visual image of gloves to brass knuckles...
The reasoning behind his powers, the brain damage which caused his coma forced his brain to change some pathways to survive. This accidentally activated a dormant part of his brain and has resulted in an increased intelligence and instinctual control over the inner workings of his own body.
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Re: Arkrite's Asylum

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Wess Lockard is probably one of the builds I'm most ashamed of.
Something I wouldn't do anymore, and wouldn't allow in a game that I ran.

What is it? Creating an alternate power so you can switch from being super physical to being super smart.
It sounds like a really cool idea, and would work great in a TV show, movie, comic book, or even a cartoon.

But in a team based game like M&M it just feels like an easy way to take over multiple niches at the same time. Nine times out of ten the strong guy spent all his points to be the strong guy, and the smart guy spent all his points being the smart guy, getting both just really sits poorly with me now.

Can it be done and not ruin the fun?
Sure, but I'd rather lean towards making sure that everybody has their time to shine, and I just have had really bad experiences with the super smart Alternate Powered into super attributes.
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Re: Arkrite's Asylum

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Wonder Man

Power Level: 11; Power Points Spent: 150/150

STR: +8 (20/26), DEX: +2 (14), CON: +10 (20/30), INT: +1 (12), WIS: +1 (12), CHA: +1 (12)

Tough: +10, Fort: +10, Ref: +4, Will: +8

Skills: Bluff 6 (+7), Diplomacy 3 (+4), Drive 7 (+9), Gather Information 8 (+9), Intimidate 6 (+7), Medicine 4 (+5), Notice 10 (+11), Search 4 (+5), Sense Motive 6 (+7), Stealth 4 (+6), Survival 6 (+7)

Feats: All-Out Attack, Attack Focus (melee) 2, Attractive (+4), Dodge Focus, Equipment 4, Interpose, Lionheart, Power Attack, Takedown Attack 2, Track

Manlinite Knuckles (Device 4) (Hard to lose, Restricted use (Trained Men of Somcolonea))
. . Deflect 5 (deflects: all ranged attacks; Automatic)
Container, Passive 5
. . Enhanced Constitution 10 (+10 CON)
. . Enhanced Strength 6 (+6 STR)
. . Flight 2 (Speed: 25 mph, 220 ft./rnd)
. . Super-Strength 2 (+10 STR carry capacity, heavy load: 3.7k lbs; +2 STR to some checks; Groundstrike (Radius: 80 ft., DC 18))

Equipment: Invisible Chopper (Motorcycle)

Attack Bonus: +10 (Ranged: +10, Melee: +12, Grapple: +20/+22)

Attacks: Unarmed Attack, +12 (DC 23)

Defense: +10 (Flat-footed: +5), Knockback: -5

Initiative: +2

Languages: Native Language

Totals: Abilities 30 + Skills 16 (64 ranks) + Feats 15 + Powers 42 + Combat 38 + Saves 9 + Drawbacks 0 = 150


Invisible Chopper (Motorcycle)

Power Level: 11; Equipment Points Spent: 16

STR: +0 (10)

Toughness: +5

Flight 7 (Speed: 1000 mph, 8800 ft./rnd; Platform; Power Loss (When Tires not touching something (liquid, or solid)))
Invisibility 2 (Total concealment from normal vision)
Super-Strength 3 (+15 STR carry capacity, heavy load: 800 lbs; +3 STR to some checks)

Defense: +0

Totals: Abilities 0 + Skills 0 (0 ranks) + Feats 0 + Features 0 + Powers 16 + Combat 0 + Saves 0 + Drawbacks 0 + Equipment 0 (0 ep) + Weapons & Armor 0 (0 ep) = 16

The Men of Somcolone cut themselves off from the rest of humanity after feeling the stinging betrayal of women for the final time. Never again, they declared, would they be brought low by their trickery.
And so they pleaded to Odin, Thor, and Tyr to be given a sanctuary, a place where they could perfect themselves, perfect their warrior upbringing, and create the greatest works of man.

Hearing their pleas Thor was moved, and he hired the dwarves to make an island paradise that would be forever hidden away from humanity.
The rules, though, were simple. Never was a woman allowed to step foot on Somcolone, and at the time of Ragnarok the men of Somcolone would come and fight at the Aesir's side.

For many years it was a perfect world. The men missed the women's touch, but was spared her venom and trickery. But their leader, Samson, longed to raise a son.

As the leader of his people he could not forsake their ways to create one the normal way. He was the guidepost and beacon light to his men, for him to fall from their chosen way of life would destroy their very society.

So instead he lost himself in his sculpting. And from steel and chrome he created himself a son, made from his blood, sweat and tears. And upon finishing his creation he dedicated his son to Odin and lost himself in his despair.

But Odin was moved by Samson's plight, having known the joys of raising his own sons, and breathed life into the steel and chrome statue.

And so Daniel was born. He was raised as a warrior, a hunter, a leader. But it was his heart which made him a hero. Seeing the world at war, he protested to his father that they should step back out into the world of woman and show them a new society, a new way to live. To stop the atrocities that men were committing against men.

But Samson was unmoved by his son's pleas. The world outside isn't our concern, he'd say, they've made their own choices. They had to live with them.

Daniel felt otherwise, and planned to leave without permission. Thor, knowing the lusty embrace of adventure, gave his blessing to this clandestine departure, giving him a suit of leather armour, and a finely dwarven crafted motorcycle (which they called a chopper) made with magics that made it invisible to sight, and that would allow its tires to find traction on anything it could touch.

And so Daniel put on his armour, climbed on the invisible chopper and rode out into the world of woman seeking adventure...

:arrow: If you haven't figured it out, this is a parody of sorts on Wonder Woman. I'm obviously insane. And yes, he deflects bullets by punching them with a set of brass knuckles.
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Re: Arkrite's Asylum

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"Around Dodge City and in the territory out West, there's just one way to handle the killers and the spoilers, and that's with a US Marshal and the smell of Gunsmoke."

Before we get started: This is based on the Radio series of Gunsmoke, a much darker and violent series then the TV series that followed it.

Gunsmoke was a western radio drama that had a different edge to it than any of the other radio series on the air at the time.
While The Lone Ranger and Tanto, or Hopalong Cassidy and California were running rampant in upbeat adventures against foes who stood absolutely no chance against them... Matt Dillon and Chester Proudfoot were just trying to survive a rough-and-tumble frontier town.

Often times they'd arrive too late to save the people, and would only be able to offer justice against the guilty. Or sometimes even their best efforts failed to change fate.
But there was a sense of hope that prevailed from the series, that maybe if we keep trying and keep setting an example the world will be a better place.

In the semi-realistic western spirit I've done up a few house rules to give the feel of a semi-realistic western.

PL Restrictions: There is no restriction on damage when it comes to the core weapons. Six Shooters, shotguns, and rifles are just as deadly in an untrained child's hand as it is a US Marshal.
In the case of Attack/Damage tradeoffs the usual rules apply. Maximum damage will be limited by your trade off, even if your shotgun or rifle does normally does more damage.
This is to prevent somebody trying to abuse the rules by taking a large bonus to hit and still trying to claim fully damage on their guns. Not going to happen.

Suggested PL:
PL 5 is good for a realistic style western. Your characters are obviously better than average, but you're still just a man.
Pl 6-7 is good for a more heroic character. At this point you're more than a match for the average gun wielding thug, and are probably well known around the area. (Matt Dillon, The Six Shooter)
PL 8-9 is nearing the point of being a legendary gunslinger. You're faster than lightning, can shoot the buttons off a man forty feet away, out fight, out drink, and out gamble anything in your way. High adventure westerns fall into this area (Hopalong Cassidy, The Lone Ranger)

Reputation: A reputation can make or break a man. A lawman who backs down to a criminal is living on borrowed time in the old west. A coward will be harassed and harried by the trouble makers, and generally scorned by the rest of the people.
Some businessmen made deals based on their reputation alone, without a single scrap of paper for proof because they'd never break their word.
A gunfighter with a reputation is trouble. A person only gets that reputation one way, and because of that people walk around them like they're walking on egg shells. And even worse the best way for a gunfighter to make a name for himself is to kill a well known gunfighter.
A reputation can be a benefit, or a curse, or a little bit of both.
Every action you make builds or destroys your reputation, and in a world full of proud, free spirited cowboys sometimes your reputation was the only thing you had.

And remember, it barely matters what you do, reputations are about what other people think. Regardless of it being right or wrong. If you back down from a fight because innocent people might get hurt, there's a chance that all people will see was that a coward turned tail rather than fight like a man.

The Law: The law was hard and fast in most cases, but trials were still the bill of course. If you could bring them in alive they'd see a trail.
Assuming that a lynch mob didn't start up.
Being a lawman was a difficult situation, the honest people generally tried to avoid you, and the criminals would shoot you in the back if the opportunity came up.
And sometimes you'd be faced off against a mob of citizens who decided that the person in jail was innocent(or guilty) and came to rectify that mistake.
And being the law doesn't always just mean dealing with errant gunmen, bank robbers, and evil cattle ranchers... it also included repossessing property, and sometimes maintaining laws that hurt the people it was supposed to protect.
Being the law was a dangerous game, but if the lawman was ever bought out, or worse crooked himself, the entire area could be held under the grip of tyranny just waiting for an honest man to come and take up the silver star...

Crime: Crime was pretty heavy in the frontier. It wasn't hard to see why, a giant open space with towns few and far between. So long as you kept moving there was a good chance that you'd never get caught. Banks were filled with cash and Stage Coaches made tempting targets filled with other people's belongs and sometimes even a payroll. Some people took to cattle rustling, stealing other people's cows.
Some simply moved around as killers for hire, and there were always people hiring.
Being a criminal in the old west means a lot of looking over your shoulder. A reward on your head means that desperate people in need of money might gun you down on the street if they find you. Or worse, being caught by the law and sent to hang.
But the opportunities for quick money are everywhere, and escape requires only a quick horse to take you into the uncharted territories around you.

Native Americans: This one ran the gamut from noble savages, to murderous savages, to somewhat harmless thieves, to ordinary saddle bums, to local farm hands and the most used, hired scouts.
Sometimes they were combinations thereof.
Regardless of their intent or how they acted "Indians" have a bad rep in these settings. Even the tribes who are notoriously non-aggressive often get blamed for events completely unrelated to them.
It's easier to blame those we don't understand than to accept the truth.
Stores ranged from protecting Native Americans from blood thirsty cowboys, proving that a tribe (or individual) had been framed for crimes they hadn't committed, surviving an attack by a group of hostile Indians, and even settling a dispute between two heavily armed neighbors peacefully (Be they cowboy and Indian, or Indian and Indian).
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Re: Arkrite's Asylum

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The Quick Draw

The most deadly competition in the wild west. When two angry cowboys couldn't come to terms in an argument, and weren't willing to resort to fisticuffs, they usually went for their guns.
In most on the spot altercations the most warning or countdown that a person got was the simple word "draw". The location? Right where you were standing when you got into the fight leading up to this.
Killing a man in this fashion is generally considered self defense meaning you won't be arrested. The law frowns on this, and some people are known for goading people into a draw so they can kill them... legally.

The mechanics are simple, and straight out of the book.
Initiative is rolled, whom ever goes first acts first, whom ever acts second is flat-footed until their turn.
This means that being the slower man in a gunfight can be extremely deadly, especially if you rely heavily on the Defensive roll or Dodge focus feats.

Generally the gunfights went until somebody died, or somebody hit the ground and couldn't shoot anymore.
In game terms this could simply be until somebody is stunned and knocked down. Or it could be to the death, it really depends on both people in the gunfight.
Most people on the losing end will most likely be happy enough to crawl away with their life. But some people are just too proud to stand losing, and some are to blood thirsty to let a man live...

Homebrew rules:

High Lethality

If you want your gunfights to end quickly and brutally there is a quick easy option. The first person who draws and hits is considered to have made a critical hit. This will make Quick Draws especially deadly. Of course this only comes into play during a Quick Draw, and if a player starts abusing it feel free to remember that there's always somebody faster than you. Especially in the old west.

Skill contest:
Never saw it coming...

A bluff check vs. a sense motive check, if the person is successful they manage to hide any "tells" that they're about to draw and gain a +2 to initiative. Failure means that the opponent sees it coming and you gain no benefit. This will suffer from bluff as a move action (-5).


Quick Aim

Being the fastest gun in the west isn't good enough if you can't hit the broad side of a barn?
You can trade a point of your initiative for a bonus to hit, for a maximum of +5 attack/-5 to initiative. You can't use this feat to go higher than double your normal attack bonus.

Quick Fire
What good is it being a good shot if you’re too slow?
You can trade a point of your attack bonus to gain a point of initiative, for a maximum of +5 Initiative/-5 attack. You can't use this feat to go higher than double your normal initiative bonus.

Special note: Both of these feats can only be used on the first round of combat, and their effects alter the person's order in that combat permanently. So you may have a higher initiative then your opponent, but if you put too many of your points from your initiative into your attack you might just find your opponent going first.
These feats should be used before the GM gives out combat order.
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Re: Arkrite's Asylum

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A Gunslinger by any other name...

Gunslingers, the decent ones at least, all generally have a few standard feats.

Quick draw is a given.

Some might have the Fearless feat as they've been facing life and death odds every time they go into a shootout.
Fearless should be given only to the most hardened, or with limits. Such as it disappearing when outnumbered, or when your opponent is shown to be faster than you. Lion Hearted is also a good substitute

Fearsome Presence is a good one for well known and deadly criminals or gunslingers. Unfortunately it only really comes into play when your opponents have a reason to fear you. Unless they know your reputation, or have seen what you can do, Fearsome Presence should either work at half power or not at all. In the old west there were a lot of people who could talk a good fight.

Improved Initiative is a must for any gunslinger worth his salt. Anybody without this, or at least a high dex, will likely be dead sooner than later.

Now, note these are gunslingers, people who do this for a living or just to keep living. Most cowboys won't have any of these feats, likely making them easy prey for a good gunslinger.
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Re: Arkrite's Asylum

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Blast 4 (DC 19; Cone Area (30 ft. cone - General) [3 ranks only], Action 3 (reaction); Unreliable (Five shots), Side-Effect (sometimes - Uses Character's Next Standard Action); Maximum Range (30 feet max range), Lethal)

13 EP

The shotgun was a favored weapon of people having to deal with crowds, or simply unruly gunslingers.
In a normal gunfight the end result was often this:

-The fastest person drew and shot.
-The slower person was wounded (if not killed outright) which threw off their shot.
-The faster man was usually left completely unharmed after the fact.

The shotgun was the great equalizer. You didn't have to have great aim, the spread of the buckshot was generally enough to hit anybody on business end of the barrel, even if you were wounded. This would stop otherwise fearless gunslingers in their tracks, suddenly being fast wasn't enough.
While using this gun against a mob, or a gunslinger the GM should consider offering a +2 to intimidate, and possibly even nullifying the fearless on certain NPCS (Specifically the ones who are only fearless because they believe they're faster than anybody else’s alive, and thus will never be shot).
The reaction ability of the gun was the easiest way I could think of to put this into effect, and to prevent abuse; any usage of this ability will use up your next standard action. Thus you can only use it once per round, and if you do you'll lose your attack for the next round. You can only use it if you have a Standard Action next round, so you'll only ever get to fire it once a round as a reaction (and you won't be able to act beyond a move action on your next turn).
This also means that you could very well be dead and still manage to get a shot off at your opponent. Beyond 30 feet the shotgun is effectively useless, it might hit and do some cosmetic damage but will rarely, if ever, do any significant damage.
This gun build does not allow for "solid slug" ammunition. For that please use the standard shotgun rules.

Note: This is not an accurate representation of a real gun, just a set of rules to fit the flavor of the setting.

For setting appropriate weapons Handguns should not be able to hit anything beyond two range increments (anything within 80 Feet, and that being lucky) and Rifles should be accurate beyond that. Hand guns were only really accurate at short range, where as rifles were accurate at a much longer range.

This is why the military used rifles more than handguns, and people go hunting with rifles instead of six-guns.
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Re: Arkrite's Asylum

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Marshal Matt Dillon (Gunsmoke Radio shows)

ANNOUNCER Gunsmoke starring William Conrad -- the story of the violence that moved west with young America .....and the story of a man who moved with it.

MATT DILLON I'm that man. Matt Dillon, United States Marshall. The first man they look for and the last they want to meet. It's a chancy job, and it makes a man watchful.........and a little lonely.

Matt Dillon

Power Level: 6; Power Points Spent: 91/90

STR: +3 (16), DEX: +4 (18), CON: +4 (18), INT: +0 (10), WIS: +2 (14), CHA: +2 (14)

Tough: +4/+6, Fort: +4, Ref: +4, Will: +2

Skills: Bluff 6 (+8), Diplomacy 2 (+4), Gather Information 1 (+3), Intimidate 8 (+10), Knowledge (civics) 2 (+2), Notice 6 (+8), Profession (United States Marshal) 1 (+3), Ride 1 (+5), Search 3 (+3), Sense Motive 6 (+8), Survival 4 (+6)

Feats: Accurate Attack, Benefit (Reputation), Defensive Attack, Defensive Roll, Equipment 7, Fearless, Fearsome Presence 4, Improved Aim, Improved Initiative, Luck 2, Minions 2, Power Attack, Quick Draw, Startle, Track, Well-Informed

Equipment: Dodge City Jail, Heavy Pistol, Leather Jacket, US Marshal Resources (Equipment As neededt)

Attack Bonus: +6 (Ranged: +6, Melee: +6, Grapple: +9)

Attacks: Heavy Pistol, +6 (DC 19), Unarmed Attack, +6 (DC 18)

Defense: +6 (Flat-footed: +3), Knockback: -3

Initiative: +8

Languages: Native Language

Totals: Abilities 30 + Skills 10 (40 ranks) + Feats 27 + Powers 0 + Combat 24 + Saves 0 + Drawbacks 0 = 91

Validation: Too many PP spent (91, max 90)


Dodge City Jail

Power Level: 6; Equipment Points Spent: 8

Toughness: +10

Features: Garage, Holding Cells, Library, Living Space, Security System 2

Totals: Abilities 0 + Skills 0 (0 ranks) + Feats 0 + Features 6 + Powers 0 + Combat 1 + Saves 1 + Drawbacks 0 + Equipment 0 (0 ep) + Weapons & Armor 0 (0 ep) = 8



Power Level: 6; Power Points Spent: 0/30

STR: +0 (10), DEX: +0 (10), CON: +0 (10), INT: +0 (10), WIS: +0 (10), CHA: +0 (10)

Tough: +0, Fort: +0, Ref: +0, Will: +0

Attack Bonus: +0 (Ranged: +0, Melee: +0, Grapple: +0)

Attacks: Unarmed Attack, +0 (DC 15)

Defense: +0 (Flat-footed: +0), Knockback: +0

Initiative: +0

Languages: Native Language

Totals: Abilities 0 + Skills 0 (0 ranks) + Feats 0 + Powers 0 + Combat 0 + Saves 0 + Drawbacks 0 = 0

Responsibility (The Law)
Responsibility (Chester)
Love (Kitty)

Matt's the law in Dodge, and the law in Dodge is an uncompromising law. It follows to the letter, regardless of how Matt might feel on the matter.
He says many times that the only way the law is going to work in Dodge is if it's honest and unbiased, otherwise it'll never be respected.
Any time Matt has to uphold the law in situations where the law obviously is wrong he gets a hero point.

Matt's second biggest responsibility is to Chester. He's bumbling, a little oblivious, can't lie to save his life, and doesn't have single dishonest bone in his body. He's also the only person in Dodge who'd die for Matt for no better reason then because he believes in him and respects him.
He once told Chester that he was the only person in the entire town he could trust to watch his back, and the only real friend he has in Dodge. And he meant it.
Any time Chester is brought to harm because of his actions he gets a hero point.

Matt loves Kitty. And Kitty loves Matt. But Matt can't be with Kitty because he's got a responsibility to Dodge. Until Dodge is a peaceful, lawful town he can't hang up his badge. And until he can hang up his badge he can't ask a woman to marry him, because he could die any day. But he'd do anything he could to help her, and has gone off the handle more than once because of bad things said about her.
Any time Kitty is in trouble, or Matt loses his temper because of somebody badmouthing Kitty he get a hero point.

Matt's biggest weakness is his pride. He's got to do everything by himself because he sees anything else as weakness. The only person he'll let help him is Chester, or Doc if he's really in a fix. If he gets himself into trouble he won't let anybody help him get out of it. He's just got to do it himself.
Any time he lets his pride make a situation even more dangerous he gets a hero point.

Matt acts like a bully to anybody he thinks is breaking the laws. He'll belittle, taunt, threaten, and even beat up somebody who's breaking the law, or everything short of violence to somebody's on the line. This has made him a lot of enemies out of a lot of dangerous men.
Whenever one of these men decides to settle the score with Matt he gets a hero point.

Matt's History is a little threadbare because he doesn't talk much about it. He was a gunfighter in his youth, and he ran with a bunch of other gunslingers. He's made friends with Wild Bill Hitchcock, Wyatt Earp and Doc Holliday, and got himself into a mess of trouble (and back out of it) before he calmed down and returned to Dodge. One of his turning points before returning to Dodge was being nearly beaten to death by a mob for stealing cows. He was innocent, but they didn't find that out until the next day when he was nearly in the grave. The experience lead him to believe that the law needed to be upheld proper, and a distinct hatred of mobs.
He took up the silver star to bring some peace to his wild and dangerous home and has been fighting tooth and nail ever since to bring law to the west.

Matt is a proud man.
Dangerously so. The only man he lets help him one problems is Chester, and often he tells Chester to "stay out of it".
He's also somewhat of a bully. He's got a deep understanding that the only thing most of the gunslingers and troublemakers will understand is threats and force. And he's more then willing to bring threats and violence into play if he needs to.
But Matt is a good man at heart, and with good people he'd much rather just talk politely and explain the situation. He honestly likes the citizens of Dodge, and believes that what he does keeps them safe at night.
Matt's also tired of the killing. He's been a gunfighter for a long time, and he's seen a lot of death. Nothing gets his hackles up faster than a meaningless killing, or people casually talking about killing a person. Even when they're a criminal.
Matt leads a hard life; he keeps himself distanced from the people he's protecting as much as the people he's protecting them from.
If it wasn't for Chester, Doc Adams, and Kitty he'd probably be a much colder person. As cold as a corpse.

Tactics: His tactics are quite simple. In the case of a suspected criminal showing up in his town he'll usually walk right up to them, with Chester watching his back from a distance, and try to intimidate them into leaving. Barring that he'll physically chase them out if they're an exceptionally dangerous sort or leave them to their own means.
Having Chester watching his back allows him to gain the benefit from Chester's teamwork feat, as he doesn't have to watch his back for people trying to club him from behind, or putting a bullet in his back.
In a fight Matt will lead the way with fist or a gun butt if possible, but will not hesitate to resort to lethal violence if there isn't another choice. He prefers not having to kill a man, but he won't risk his own life to do so.
He'll use Accurate attack to give himself another two points towards his Attack, and with Chester at his side he's a real monster.
In a fist fight he'll use his feats to his advantage depending on his opponent. Against a stronger opponent he'll focus on Accurate and Defensive attacks, but against a weaker opponent, or one he gets the drop on he's just as likely to use a power attack.

Build Notes: I didn't want Matt to be a PL6 but I was having troubles building him as anything less. Is Attack is lower then I wanted, but with the accurate attack feat and Chester around to help him he's still going to be an absolute monster in combat, especially compared to the PL 2-3 mooks he usually deals with.
He's got good skills, but not great ones. He's only human, and even he's had people pull the wool over his eyes before.
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Re: Arkrite's Asylum

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Chester Proudfoot

Power Level: 4; Power Points Spent: 60/60

STR: +2 (14), DEX: +2 (14), CON: +3 (16), INT: +0 (10), WIS: +0 (10), CHA: +2 (14)

Tough: +3/+4, Fort: +3, Ref: +2, Will: +0

Skills: Diplomacy 4 (+6), Gather Information 6 (+8), Handle Animal 4 (+6), Notice 8 (+8), Ride 6 (+8), Sense Motive 4 (+4), Survival 8 (+8)

Feats: Benefit (Matt Dillon's Deputy), Defensive Attack, Diehard, Equipment 6, Fearless, Minions 2, Teamwork 3, Track

Equipment: Equipment as needed 16, Handcuffs, Heavy Pistol, Leather Jacket

Attack Bonus: +4 (Ranged: +4, Melee: +4, Grapple: +6)

Attacks: Heavy Pistol, +4 (DC 19), Unarmed Attack, +4 (DC 17)

Defense: +4 (Flat-footed: +2), Knockback: -2

Initiative: +2

Languages: Native Language

Totals: Abilities 18 + Skills 10 (40 ranks) + Feats 16 + Powers 0 + Combat 16 + Saves 0 + Drawbacks 0 = 60



Power Level: 4; Power Points Spent: 0/30

STR: +0 (10), DEX: +0 (10), CON: +0 (10), INT: +0 (10), WIS: +0 (10), CHA: +0 (10)

Tough: +0, Fort: +0, Ref: +0, Will: +0

Attack Bonus: +0 (Ranged: +0, Melee: +0, Grapple: +0)

Attacks: Unarmed Attack, +0 (DC 15)

Defense: +0 (Flat-footed: +0), Knockback: +0

Initiative: +0

Languages: Native Language

Totals: Abilities 0 + Skills 0 (0 ranks) + Feats 0 + Powers 0 + Combat 0 + Saves 0 + Drawbacks 0 = 0

Responsibility (Matt Dillon)
Code of Ethics (Gentleman)
Not a dishonest bone in his body...
Loose Lips

Chester doesn't worship the ground that Mr. Dillon walks on, but he does know a honest, good man when he see it. And Marshal Matt Dillon is a great man that Chester wishes he could be. He follows Mr Dillon's orders to the word, even if it doesn't seem right, and even if he doesn't like it.
Chester gets a hero point any time Matt is put into danger because of something he did, or whenever he's forced to abide by Matt's orders in spite of what he'd prefer to do.

Chester is a gentleman. You are polite in front of ladies, you try to handle things with kind words instead of violence, and you always keep your word. Chester will not hesitate to step in and stand up for a woman or child, even when it could get himself into trouble.
In these situations Chester gets a hero point.

Chester cannot lie. Not convincingly and not without a good five minutes head start, and a helping hand from Mr. Dillon. Any attempt to use the Bluff skill to lie to somebody results with them starting one step closer to unfriendly then they were when he started. Also he loses all of his Teamwork feats to help somebody else bluff.
In a situation where Chester's bluff is important, and he suffers the above flaws, he gains a hero point, but he can't use it to reroll his bluff.

Chester is almost incapable of keeping his mouth shut at times. He's not exactly gabby, but he'll immediately speak up to correct a person if they say something wrong. Usually Matt is fast enough on the draw to tell him to "Shut up" or "Quiet down, Chester" before he gives away anything important.
Any time Chester gives away a vital piece of information to bad guy he gets a hero point.

Personality: Chester is a lovable cowhand. He doesn't start trouble, treats people with respect, honestly cares about how people are treated. Without Matt Dillon around he'd probably just wander until he found a nice little ranch that needed his help and live out the rest of his life there.
Somehow or another he ran into Matt and the rest is pretty much history. He sticks with Matt, serving as his ears in the town (which is much more willing to speak with him than the Marshal), and as a means of making sure nobody kills him, or attacks him from behind.

Beyond that he keeps his eyes open, and helps track.

Build Notes: I've made Chester far more useful than he's generally portrayed in the radio series. Especially with his Teamwork ability.
By himself, though, he'll wind up dead against a real gunslinger in short order. In fact he's only ever won a single quick draw that I know of, and the person who drew on him was falling down drunk. His primary duties are information gathering, and keeping an eye open.
He should also lose access to his fearless feat any time he's not protecting somebody (as per his honor) or he's not in Matt's presence. He's brave to a point, but he's not really fearless outside of those two situations.
His benefit really doesn't come into play that often, he's not even officially the Deputy. But between his relationship with Matt and his generally likable nature most people never bother him.
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Re: Arkrite's Asylum

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The man in the saddle is angular and long-legged. His skin is sun-dyed brown. The gun in his holster is gray steel and rainbow mother-of-pearl, its handle unmarked. People call them both "the Six Shooter".

Britt Ponset, The Six Shooter (From the Radio Show: The Six Shooter)

Power Level: 7; Power Points Spent: 105/105

STR: +2 (14), DEX: +5 (20), CON: +2 (14), INT: +1 (12), WIS: +3 (16), CHA: +3 (16)

Tough: +2/+5, Fort: +2, Ref: +5, Will: +3

Skills: Bluff 4 (+7), Craft (structural) 3 (+4), Diplomacy 4 (+7), Handle Animal 7 (+10), Intimidate 9 (+12), Knowledge (current events) 3 (+4), Knowledge (history) 3 (+4), Medicine 1 (+4), Notice 9 (+12), Profession (Cowboy) 4 (+7), Ride 5 (+10), Search 4 (+5), Sense Motive 7 (+10), Survival 9 (+12)

Feats: Attack Focus (ranged) 3, Benefit (Been Everywhere Once), Benefit (Reputation The Six Shooter (Gunfighter)), Defensive Attack, Defensive Roll 3, Dodge Focus 2, Equipment 2, Fearless, Fearsome Presence 5, Improved Aim, Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Quick Draw, Sidekick 5, Track

Equipment: The Six Shooter (Heavy Pistol, Masterwork Weapon)

Attack Bonus: +6 (Ranged: +9, Melee: +6, Grapple: +8)

Attacks: The Six Shooter, +10 (DC 19), Unarmed Attack, +6 (DC 17)

Defense: +9 (Flat-footed: +4), Knockback: -2

Initiative: +9

Languages: Native Language

Totals: Abilities 32 + Skills 18 (72 ranks) + Feats 29 + Powers 0 + Combat 26 + Saves 0 + Drawbacks 0 = 105


Scar (Britt's Horse)

Power Level: 7; Power Points Spent: 25/25

STR: +5 (20), DEX: +0 (10), CON: +4 (18), INT: -2 (6), WIS: +0 (10), CHA: +0 (10)

Tough: +4, Fort: +4, Ref: +0, Will: +0

Skills: Notice 12 (+12)

Feats: Attack Specialization 3 (Unarmed Attack), Dodge Focus

Speed 1 (Speed: 10 mph, 88 ft./rnd)
Super-Senses 3 (extended: Hearing 1 (-1 per 100 ft), extended: Smell 1 (-1 per 100 ft), scent)

Attack Bonus: +0 (Ranged: +0, Melee: +0, Grapple: +5)

Attacks: Unarmed Attack, +6 (DC 20)

Defense: +1 (Flat-footed: +0), Knockback: -2

Initiative: +0

Languages: Native Language

Totals: Abilities 14 + Skills 3 (12 ranks) + Feats 4 + Powers 4 + Combat 0 + Saves 0 + Drawbacks 0 = 25

People Run Roughshod over him...
Honor (Keep his word)

Brit's biggest problem is that people just walk all over him, and being one of the nicest guys on the planet he has a hard time telling them no. Especially when the cause is a good one, or somebody's feelings might get hurt. And for reasons like this he often finds himself roped into things he'd have rather cleared up immediately, or left alone entirely. Like finding himself engaged to a young woman he's never met (who's feelings he didn't wish to hurt), or collecting money in a town he's been in once for their church.
Mind you, these are things that aren't bad. Nobody's going to fast talk him into robbing a bank, or shooting somebody. But if it just so happens that you're a little hard up because of your leg, and you need somebody to help watch the farm...

Of course to make matters worse Brit's pretty proud. If he says he's going to do something, he's going to do it. Which can get him into trouble once somebody's convinced him that he needs to get involved with something. Mind you his pride also makes sure that he'll do his darnedest to sort things out proper before he leaves. (Like hooking that nice young lady up with the man she wanted to marry instead of some broken down saddle bum like himself).
Brit, like most cowboys, has a temper. You just don't see it very often as he's usually fairly sedate, and most people don't rile him up. He normally doesn't go looking for trouble. But you get him in a bad way, say ordering him out of town when you don't have no right to, and you might find yourself on the wrong side of a draw. Even if his gun is sitting on the dresser instead of his hip.
His reputation can get him into a lot of trouble. Gunslingers looking to make a name know of him, and of how fast he is with a gun. Lawmen know about him, and regularly try to get him to work with them to hunt down a local crook seen in the area. And the average person seems to know he's a great guy and just wonders if he can't help them with some problem.
And Brit's most seldom seen flaw is his wanderlust. He simply can't stay put for much longer than six months at a time. At that point he's got to saddle up the horse and get moving once again. He'll work as a cattle hand in one place, lay some rails for the trains somewhere else, and just keep moving as the urge hits him. This has cost him a chance at love, once as they both knew he'd never be able to stay in one place.

History: Not much to say about it. Brit's been around the pond a few times, he's well known in the areas he's been, even if he hasn't been around in almost five years. Nothing special about his history, no known family, but lots of friends he's made along the trails.

Personality: Brit is an oddity. He'd rather avoid a fight than not. Make no mistake, when push comes to shove he can push and shove with the best of them, but he's not bloodthirsty by any means. If his leaving a job means he won't have to fight somebody, he'll probably do it.
He's got no big thirst for killing, and avoids gunfights whenever possible. If left to his own means he'd probably never even lift his gun. But there's always somebody who needs help, and criminals who need to be brought to justice.
Brit will also do anything in his power to help anybody he thinks needs and deserves it. He often helps people he doesn't think really deserve it. It's just in his nature.
Upon entering a confrontation his first option is always to try to calm things down with words. Failing that the guns come out.
Brit is also a little odd in that he often uses cover and tactics when dealing with a gunfight; something you don't normally hear in most western radio shows. He'll go for cover, crawl along the ground, sneak around behind and get the drop on people if he has to.

Build Notes: Scar is a smart horse, and is Brit's constant companion. But otherwise he's just a horse, and has only once attacked anything in the series (a rattlesnake). But he often notices things before Brit does, and his twitching ears, whinnying to other horses, or spooked reactions often clue Brit in to the fact that they're not alone. He's also only ever let two people ride him without going wild. Brit, who trained him, and a certain woman who stole Brit's heart. Scar's too apparently. Scar got his name for the distinctive scar he has on his face.
Brit has two benefits. One being that he's been just about everywhere, and often knows the area or somebody in the area even if he hasn't been there in a good long time. The other is that people know the Six Shooter even if they don't know him. And they know about his gun, which is fairly distinctive. So it's not uncommon for somebody to recognize him based on it alone. And even though he's got a fairly good reputation, most people are a little wary of a gunfighter at first.
After all, these are people who've lived this long by killing other people.
Ironically, of his gun and his horse, he's willing to give up his gun. Somebody once made the mistake of trying to steal his horse though...
Brit, in my opinion, is a legendary figure, thus PL7 with some impressive attack bonuses and defense to boot. His toughness is good enough to see him through most fights, but being shot can still kill him. He also used to be a faster draw, but he's getting older and slower by his own note. Of course as slow as he is he's still as fast as most other gunfighters, if not faster.
I would have given him a second rank of improved initiative but I'd save that for people who are more than human.

Of course he was portrayed by Jimmy Stewart, which almost demands a +2PL bonus for that alone. ;~)

Seriously, if you get the chance to listen to Gunsmoke or the Six Shooter you should. They'll make your walk to work, or the time you spend doing dishes much more enjoyable.
Also they can be found for free as podcasts on iTunes. Or at least they used to, I'm not sure iTunes is even a thing anymore...
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Re: Arkrite's Asylum

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Miss Kitty

Power Level: 2; Power Points Spent: 30/30

STR: +0 (10), DEX: +1 (12), CON: +0 (10), INT: +1 (12), WIS: +2 (14), CHA: +3 (16)

Tough: +0, Fort: +0, Ref: +1, Will: +5

Skills: Bluff 3 (+6), Diplomacy 3 (+6), Gather Information 7 (+10), Handle Animal 1 (+4), Medicine 1 (+3), Notice 4 (+6), Ride 3 (+4), Sense Motive 6 (+8)

Feats: Attractive (+4), Connected, Favored Environment 2 (Saloon), Lionheart, Slap Silly

Attack Bonus: +0 (Ranged: +0, Melee: +0, Grapple: +0)

Attacks: Unarmed Attack, +0 (DC 15)

Defense: +0 (Flat-footed: +0), Knockback: +0

Initiative: +1

Languages: Native Language

Totals: Abilities 14 + Skills 7 (28 ranks) + Feats 6 + Powers 0 + Combat 0 + Saves 3 + Drawbacks 0 = 30

Love (Matt Dillon)
Friend (Chester, Doc Adams)
Responsibility (Texas Long Horn (Saloon), Sam (Saloon owner), Saloon girls)
Reputation (Saloon girl)
Reputation (Woman)

Miss Kitty Russel is a... Saloon girl.
If you can read between the lines.
Make no mistake, Miss Kitty is a strong proud woman with a sensibility and backbone most of the men lacked. Without her Matt probably would have gone mad long ago.
But as well loved as she is by the people in her crowd, and she certainly had the ears of quite a few people, she was not accepted by the more upright people in the community. In one occasion Matt took her as his date to a party. She was generally avoided or scorned by all the women present, the men were ashamed to admit they knew her, and Matt very nearly threw down his badge for the right to beat two men senseless for what they said about her.
It was kind of heartbreaking, considering how happy she'd been to be invited.
But Miss Kitty isn't a wilting flower, and she certainly isn't a quitter. The world made her tough, but it hasn't taken her ability to care for people.
Chester is a dear friend, and he treats her like a real high class lady. Doc Adams treats her as he does Matt, with a smile and his own friendly personality.
Matt, however, is different. Miss Kitty loves Matt, enough to completely change her life for him. She always talks about getting married, changing her life style, settling down and raising a family when Matt asks her about her plans. He always asks why she hasn't, and she always tells him that the right guy hasn't asked.
Regardless of what Norman MacDonnel (producer) says, in the radio series it was quite obvious that Matt and Kitty cared deeply for each other. But Matt wouldn't marry a woman while he was sheriff because he could die at any time, and Miss Kitty couldn't ask him to stop. There was always a chance that he'd choose the law over her.

Miss Kitty is a non-combatant at the best of times. In a saloon she can boost up her attack or defense as she desires, having spent quite a bit of time surviving in a rowdy and wild setting. With her Favored Environment and a full defense action she's quite capable of avoiding any attacks that most normal people would send her way, especially the drunk ones (Who should get negatives to their attack roll and initiative).
Her "Slap-Silly" feat is mostly for dealing with drunk grabby cowboys.
She is a respected figure in the unrespectable side of town, she knows the girls, she knows the saloon owners and she knows a fair number of the people who frequent the bars. This accounts for her high gather information and connected feats. Admittedly she probably won't have any luck finding out information about the "polite circles" unless they've been gossiping, and her connections are rarely in positions of official power.

Unless you count that she has the ear, and respect of the local US Marshal. A man who actually takes her advice seriously (a rarity in that setting).

Miss Kitty is also a great judge of character, especially against women who most often rely on the attractive feat to pull the wool over the men's eyes. If she says she doesn't like somebody, or that they give her a bad feeling the players (or Matt) should probably sit up and pay attention.

Miss Kitty is also a hard one to scare. For starters she's a woman, and most men wouldn't consider seriously hurting a woman because it's cowardly and shameful. Of course that's not always a thing to rely on. Secondly she's smart enough to work in a place where the owner and the other girls look out for each other. Thirdly, she has a lot of friends. Fourthly, one of these friends is the local US Marshal.

She won't stand up to somebody while staring down the barrel of a gun, she's not insane, but threats aren't likely to keep her from doing what she thinks is right. She has no illusions that she can stand up to most of the tough guys she runs into on her own, though.

The last problem that Miss Kitty would face in the west is that she's a woman. Women are not respected beyond certain conventions, and in her job are given even less respect. Their suggestions and advice are widely ignored, they're treated poorly, and a lot of men aren't above hitting a woman if they don't like what they're hearing.
Not a good time for women.
Mind you that kind of action against Miss Kitty would be a good starting point for a story involving Matt or any other heroic cowboys who happen to be her friend.

Sam, the bartender and owner of the Texas Longhorn Saloon also bears introducing here. He's not important enough to warrant a write-up, but as he's related (not literally) to Miss Kitty he's worthy of note.
Sam is a good guy, he looks out for his girls, and treats them good. And they respect him for it, especially considering how most of the others are treated. He's got quite a soft spot for women in trouble, and Miss Kitty has complained before about how he keeps hiring these "poor innocent" types who should never have come out west.
He tends to keep a shotgun behind the counter in case of trouble, and one in his room, but he's no gunman by any means. He's also married. Married one of his Saloon girls who had a rough turn of events. She wasn't rich, her boyfriend was. His family demanded he drop her or be cut off from the family wealth. He dropped her, she left in shame and was taken in by Sam. They fell in love, and when her boyfriend came back to take her home, telling her they'd overlook her "indiscretions" she told him off.
He made it clear she was leaving with him, and Sam made it clear he'd see that didn't happen.
When the boyfriend came back with a gun it looked like the end for poor Sam, except the girl put a round of buckshot in the wall next to her old boyfriend's head as she came down from her "hiding place" upstairs. She made it right clear she wasn't going back, and the rich boy took the hint. Sam and her got married and are (as far as I know) enjoying their happily ever after.

I can't help but wonder if Miss Kitty should have Inspire or Leadership. She often has both effects on Matt.
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Re: Arkrite's Asylum

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Doc Adams

Power Level: 2; Power Points Spent: 31/30

STR: +0 (10), DEX: +0 (10), CON: +0 (10), INT: +1 (12), WIS: +3 (16), CHA: +2 (14)

Tough: +0, Fort: +0, Ref: +0, Will: +3

Skills: Concentration 5 (+8), Diplomacy 3 (+5), Investigate 4 (+5), Knowledge (history) 3 (+4), Knowledge (life sciences) 7 (+8), Medicine 7 (+10), Notice 3 (+6), Ride 2 (+2), Search 4 (+5), Sense Motive 2 (+5)

Feats: Benefit (Doctor), Equipment 8

Equipment: Doc Adams's Office (Hospital), Equipment as Needed 30

Attack Bonus: +0 (Ranged: +0, Melee: +0, Grapple: +0)

Attacks: Unarmed Attack, +0 (DC 15)

Defense: +0 (Flat-footed: +0), Knockback: +0

Initiative: +0

Languages: Native Language

Totals: Abilities 12 + Skills 10 (40 ranks) + Feats 9 + Powers 0 + Combat 0 + Saves 0 + Drawbacks 0 = 31

Validation: Too many PP spent (31, max 30)


Doc Adams's Office (Hospital)

Power Level: 2; Equipment Points Spent: 6

Toughness: +5

Features: Garage, Infirmary, Laboratory, Library, Living Space

Totals: Abilities 0 + Skills 0 (0 ranks) + Feats 0 + Features 5 + Powers 0 + Combat 1 + Saves 0 + Drawbacks 0 + Equipment 0 (0 ep) + Weapons & Armor 0 (0 ep) = 6

Oath (Never harm a patient)
Duty (Doctor of Dodge City)
Friend (Chester, Matt, Miss Kitty)
Reputation (Ghoulish, "Bonesaw")
Secret (Wanted for murder)

Charles "Doc" Adams (Radio series, his name was different in the TV series) is the only Doctor that Dodge City has. He's quite bland as far as skills and stats go, it's his character that made him interesting.

He was a bit ghoulish and morbid. He was the only one who could talk to Matt about "wishing somebody'd get shot" without Matt getting angry about it. After all, the Doc didn't want them dead, he was just looking for a little work to keep him busy.

In spite of this he's fairly respected in the area because of his willingness to go where he's needed on little notice, and he demands payment after the person gets better, not before. In fact he often laments that he's almost broke because people haven't paid their bills, but it never stops him from going out and helping whenever the need arises.

Doc is Matt's friend. He can relate to Matt on the level of an equal, and often understands what he's going through. He's also quite fond of Chester, whom he enjoys teasing and fleecing him of his money in card games. Miss Kitty is also a friend who's warrants a cheerful greeting and is always welcome by Doc's reckoning.

However Doc Adams doesn't fall into the "never harm" category of Doctors. He'll pack a rifle or shotgun with him if he needs to, and if somebody puts another's life in risk he's willing to point it at them if needed.
In one occasion he was blocked on his way to a injured man's house by a gun wielding man. Doc put a bullet in him, and told him he'd patch him up on the way back.

That being said Doc is determined and feisty, but he's not foolhardy. The occasion in question happened so far out of town and in a dire situation that it was his only choice other than letting the man die. Also it probably cost him the hero point he'd have gained for that situation just to hit.

In occasions where it's an option his first choice is to rush off to Matt for assistance. Matt's willing to go out of his way to help Doc, especially to save a life. Otherwise he'll avoided if he can. But when lives are at risk Doc Adams is fairly willing to stick his neck out.

Unfortunately Doc's life hasn't been all that easy. He spent some time down in the south shortly after the civil war, working as a doctor. He fell in love with a southern belle and the feel was mutual. A rival for her affections caught him on a back road and challenged him to a draw. Doc won, but a Yankee doctor shooting a southern gentleman on a back road with no witnesses was a death sentence. Rather than be killed for defending himself he ran. He changed his name for Calvin Moore to Charles Adams to avoid being found.

And the lady came with him. They were married and lived happily until she died of typhus fever two months later. Doc was shattered, but with nothing left to do but carry on he did just that. Seventeen years later he ended up in Dodge City and so far he has yet to move on.

He's also the only person that Matt's been willing to bend the law for. Partially because he's a friend, partially because the town really needs a doctor, and mostly because the man in charge of finding Calvin Moore decided that he was dead. That man, in fact, knew that Doc Adams was Calvin Moore, but also decided that if he was responsible for that crime he'd long since suffered enough, and that he was paying for any possible crime he'd committed by saving any life he could. Even a drunken drifter's.

Matt, saved from having to decide, has simply chosen to accept the ruling of another law official in this case. After all, if another man said Calvin Moore was dead, who was he to argue?

It's the closest Matt's ever come to disregarding the law.

Doc's no gunfighter, but he's a good doctor. He's got the best rankings he can get with Medicine and Knowledge Life Sciences. He's also the coroner which means he's fairly good at discovering how people died.

He has his own office which carries everything he needs to do his job, and he has thirty points of equipment to spend as needed, usually on a horse and buggy, medical tools, and occasionally a rifle as needed. In general, though, if he needs a gun he go gets Matt and Chester.

His Benefit, Doctor, gives him a lot of leeway with the people in Dodge. They know who he is and will generally listen to what he says. It also means that most people won't shoot him without their own lives being in risk, which is normally fairly unlikely.

Unfortunately not many people were trusting of doctors, just like many aren't today. And these distrustful feelings have a tendency to make a rude appearance when somebody dies in Doc Adam's care. It also isn't helpful that he has a tendency to make bad jokes (never around anybody injured, or while he's working) about hoping people get injured or hurt, or complaining that he never gets to deal with a proper injury. Most people tend to think of him as unpleasant or disturbed because of this.

But it's just a rough personality, and if anything he always sounds extremely cheerful and upbeat. Doc Adams makes a great NPC for letting people know how a person died, or for those occasions where one of them takes a bullet and needs to be stitched up.
He'll also come calling if he needs help getting to a patient, or if he needs help for other reasons. And most players should be very hard pressed to turn down the only doctor for almost a week's travel.
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Re: Arkrite's Asylum

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*answering phone*
"Richard Diamond Detective agency! We put the 'ham" in mayham." -Richard
"It's mayhem, Rick." -Helen
"Not if it ruins the gag, it's not." -Richard

Richard Diamond

Power Level: 5; Power Points Spent: 75/75

STR: +4 (18), DEX: +0 (10), CON: +3 (16), INT: +2 (14), WIS: +2 (14), CHA: +4 (18)

Tough: +5, Fort: +3, Ref: +0, Will: +2

Skills: Bluff 3 (+7), Gather Information 3 (+7), Intimidate 4 (+8), Investigate 6 (+8), Knowledge (civics) 2 (+4), Notice 4 (+6), Perform (keyboards) 4 (+8), Perform (singing) 4 (+8), Profession (Police Officer) 4 (+6), Search 5 (+7), Sense Motive 4 (+6), Stealth 5 (+5)

Feats: All-Out Attack, Attractive (+4), Benefit (Immunity (Brain Damage)), Connected, Contacts, Dodge Focus 2, Equipment 4, Power Attack, Tough 2, Well-Informed

Equipment: Binoculars, Camera, Flashlight, Heavy Pistol, Vehicle: Coupe / Roadster

Attack Bonus: +6 (Ranged: +6, Melee: +6, Grapple: +10)

Attacks: Heavy Pistol, +6 (DC 19), Unarmed Attack, +6 (DC 19)

Defense: +5 (Flat-footed: +2), Knockback: -2

Initiative: +0

Languages: Native Language

Totals: Abilities 30 + Skills 12 (48 ranks) + Feats 15 + Powers 0 + Combat 18 + Saves 0 + Drawbacks 0 = 75


Vehicle: Coupe / Roadster

Power Level: 5; Equipment Points Spent: 7

STR: +7 (25)

Toughness: +7

Speed 5 (Speed: 250 mph, 2200 ft./rnd)

Defense: -1, Size: Large

Totals: Abilities 1 + Skills 0 (0 ranks) + Feats 0 + Features 0 + Powers 5 + Combat 1 + Saves 0 + Drawbacks 0 + Equipment 0 (0 ep) + Weapons & Armor 0 (0 ep) = 7

Responsibility (Walt Levenson, The Law)
Reputation (Honest PI)
Love (Helen)

Richard Diamond, Private Detective.
If there was a detective series I loved above all else, it was this one. It took the standard detective radio show cliché's and had some fun with it. Richard had a sense of humor, chased women, argued with his inevitable police counterpart, and was clonked over the head on a regular basis. Enough to warrant me giving him a one point immunity (Brain Damage).
But they kept things interesting enough to make it different from the rest of the series. Walt Levenson, in charge of homicide, wasn't an idiot cop who was always getting in the way. He was Richard's old partner, and while Richard enjoyed playing him like a fiddle there was never any doubt (after they confirmed his history) that they were looking out for each other. Walt would ask Richard for favors at time, and Richard never felt any hesitation in going to Walt if he ever needed anything.
Like information in police files.
He was also a big man, and not about knocking somebody who deserved it around to get answers. To match he's pretty good in a scrap but he's still a victim to being outnumbered. One on one is his preferred method of combat.
He was also the "Singing Detective" and often times would end an episode with a song and piano routine. None of the characters, barring one reoccurring villain, would disagree that he had a good voice.
The biggest oddity to him was the fact that he was dating, in his own words, a beautiful millionaire redhead. But instead of marrying her, like she would have liked, he continued running his little detective agency and hitting on anything on two legs that wandered through.
He always ended up back at Helen's somehow or another though.

Based on the fact he's usually getting cracked over the head I can't help but wonder if I shouldn't have given him defensive roll instead of tough, but he can be a pretty tough customer at times.
All in all he's a solid PL 5 detective. Nothing special, but he can wow the ladies, sing up a storm and in a pinch put a bullet in an offending baddie.
Richard also was on the side of the angels, unlike some detectives of the day. If he found a corpse he called the cops as soon as possible. He didn't always stay around for questioning, but he never hided a crime for anybody. He wasn't a stooge, a stool pigeon, or a pasty. He had a lot of respect for the boys in blue, he just decided he couldn't do it himself anymore, that's all.

Oh, and for those of you are baffled that an old detective radio show would have no adversarial police relationship, they added one of those in. His name is Otis, he's dumb as a post, and even Walt doesn't much like him. His only redeeming factor is that you can't feel sorry for him, and Richard gets to make fun of him with great impunity
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