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Adventurers! Bilbo Baggins

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Bilbo Baggins (27xp)
Concept: Reluctant Hobbit Burglar

STATS (16xp)
Strength -2, Agility 2, Mind 2

Defense 2, Endurance 3, Heroism 3
Armor Mithril Shirt (3 / 4/ 6; Resistant)

Learning: B
Stealth: B
Status: B (New; with Hobbits and elves only)
Relic: Gondolin Blade B (Glows in the presence of goblins/orcs, Balanced; +1 Dmg, -1AR against goblins/orcs)
Relic: Mithril Shirt B (AR 3-4-6; Resistant; Enc 1)

Gondolin Blade (Attack = 2, +1 Dmg, -1 AR against goblins and orcs, glows in the presence of them)

In a hole in the ground, there lived a hobbit.
The son of Bungo Baggins and Belladonna Took, he spent his youth exploring the shire and catching fireflies. Often dreaming of meeting elves. And then one day while sitting on a porch, a wizard came by, offering him the chance at an adventure. The subsequent meeting with a group of 13 dwarves, sparks his tookish side and he begins his greatest adventure ever.

As promised I am doing my lord of the rings builds using the Adventurers! RPG. Have to say I really love this system. It's pretty simple and open-ended enough to let me do what I need. So here we have Bilbo, the hero of "The Hobbit" series by JRR Tolkien. The lovable protagonist of the series, which spurns on the events to follow in the Lord of the Rings. I decided to stat up the Relic known as "The One Ring" in a later build. Interestingly enough Bilbo comes out at just under thanks to his lower strength score.

B: Advantage in social activities when someone recognizes your Status. Ie: Lord.
A: You gain a +1 to your social activity rolls for the whole scene, when someone recognizes your Status. Ie: King
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Amulet - A HeMan style Character.

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AMULET - PL10 (150pp)

Attributes (104pp)
Str 12, Sta 12, Agi 4, Dex 4, Fgt 8, Int 8, Awe 2, Prs 2

Advantages (6pp)
Attractive, Distract (Persuasion), Eidetic Memory, Inspire 2, Luck 2

Skills (8pp)
Expertise (Scholar) 4, Insight 4, Perception 4, Persuasion 4

Defenses (6pp)
Dodge 8, Parry 8, Toughness 12, Fortitude 12, Will power 8

Initiative +4, Base Melee Combat +8, Base Ranged Combat +4

Powers (26pp)
Protection from Harm: Immunity 10 (Life support)
Verdant Wings: Flight 5
Champion of the Verdant: Enhanced Trait 1 (Attractive), Immunity 2 (Critical Hits), Regeneration 3

Identity (Secret): Amulets secret identity is that of Sheena Durane, a Scholar at the great library.
Motivation (Doing good): Amulet strives to do the right thing.
Power-loss (The Verdant-Seed): Amulet possesses a powerful artifact that transforms her into a champion for good. Attributes are Str 0, Sta 0, Agi 1, Dex 2, Fight 0,Int 8, Awe 2, Pre 0. Keeps Eidetic Memory, Luck 2. No Powers.
Relationship: Mentor. Amulet is guided in her life as a hero, by Lore Keeper Toman.
Enemy: The evil warlord Relik wants the Starseed amulet for himself.

As Sheela, amulet is an attractive young woman, but quiet and unassuming in nature. She has brown hair and blue eyes and is of moderate size and build. As the champion Amulet, she is tall and shapely with long dark hair and green glowing eyes. Everything she has always wanted to be. When transformed she is garbed in revealing armor and a billowing violet cloak and a glowing green gemstone at the center of her armor.

The amulet is the verdant champion of good who battles the evil that threatens her world. The cruel machinations of the warlord Railok. All he wants is the Verdant seed so he can corrupt its power and become the undisputed ruler of the world. As Sheena Sheena, she is a quiet and shy young woman who works as a Scholar in the great library of the capital city. Under the tutelage of Toman, Grand keeper of secrets. Not only to teach her the skills of her profession but to guide her as a champion for goodness.

The great library came under attack by Railokin search of the Seed, and the secrets of the library opened up to Sheena. As if the library was alive, or some magical intelligence guided her to the secret chamber where the Verdant Seed dwell. She took as if guided by instinct, and when she spoke these words. "By the power, if the Verdant", she is transformed into the magical champion of the world.

Builder's notes
So yeah I was watching old cartoon intro's and came across HeMan. I had an idea for a female version though not quite like him. And I had really wanted to delve back into MnM and still do something new. So I delved back into the beginnings of my Realms of Magnor setting with the first age. The gods or Verdant lived upon the world fashioning it as they saw fit. The Verdant is a mysterious source of power that comes from the planet. It's the raw power of creation. Just another name for magic. I hope you enjoy this build because I'll probably delve into more of the beings of creation if you folks would like to see more of this setting. Which I touched upon in the old threads.

All information is subject to change xD BTW, I wrote this all up on my Tablet! XD Now my index finger hurts. Lol
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Re: Mister B's :: The Best Random Builds in the Multiverse.

Post by MisterB »

Millennium Verse Power Categories
In the Millennium Verse, governments and scientists categories metahumans on a scale of 1-7, with a corresponding Letter Code before the Class. . This scale is called the Stack Method, named after the scientist who helped first categorize the metahuman standard back in 1997. Mathew Stack, is perhaps the most intelligent man on the planet. Being a meta human himself, his intellect goes towards genetic and metahuman potential.

The Power Scale
Class 1 “Meta Babies”
The Lowest rung of the ladder. These meta-human are indistinguishable from normal humans. And barely have any gifts or powers worth noting. But can be a danger to the average citizen. (PL 3-4)

Class 2 “Gifted”
Those Meta Humans rated a Class 7 are considered low powered, but a nuisance by anyone’s standards. Their powers start to make them a danger to society. At this point Class 7 Metahumans, can usually be a danger for most skilled humans. (PL 5-6)

Class 3 “Superior”
These meta humans have potential, and powers worth something. Those metahumans who are class 6, are considered your low powered average. But are a danger to trained military forces. Class 6 Metahumans make up the majority of the super humans found. (PL 7-8)

Class 4 “Meta Class”
These Meta Humans are your average “super humans”, their powers make them something to fear. And are a danger to other super humans. (PL 9-10)

Class 5 “Alpha Class”
These Meta Humans are well above average, at this point there is little normal technology can do against them. They are so powerful by this point, heavy military has a hard time putting one down. These super heroes can start extending their powers beyond the planet earth. (PL 11-12)

Class 6 “Omega Class”
These Meta Humans are top notch super heroes, and pose a danger to most world powers. At this point there is little that earthly powers can do (save nuclear ordinances), not without some serious meta human back up. These meta‘s are extremely powerful, and what most might consider “almost“ cosmic in power. (PL 13-15)

Class 7 “Zeta Class”
These meta humans classify as the cosmic beings we are used to seeing in comic books, Thor, magneto, etc. They have world shattering powers that can threaten the planet itself, and beyond. These beings can stretch their powers to other places, and alternate dimensions. (PL 16+)

Power Categories
Type P: “Power house” The P Code represents meta humans with strong physical capabilities, such as super strength and high levels of invulnerability.

Type E: "Energy Manipulator" The E Code represents meta humans with strong energy capabilities.

Type S: "Transmuter" The S Code represents meta humans who can manipulate/transmute matter.

Type T: “Psionic” The T code represents meta humans with strong mental capabilities, such as telekinesis and telepathy.

Type I: "Inventor" The I code represents meta's with enhanced intelligence or other mental faculties, which allow them to create super science devices.

Type M: “Mysterious” The M Code represents meta humans with esoteric capabilities such as Magic, or Luck Manipulation. That are harder to categorize.

Type Z: "Shifter" The Z Code can manipulate their physical form, or the physical forms of others. A combination of a P and S code Metahuman.

Type F: “Flunky” Derogatory Term. Those meta humans with otherwise “miscellaneous” abilities that have no real application of “Force” , get an ”F". Often called “Flunky” , they fail at being a meta human.

The Millennium Continuity
Universe M1: Universe M1 is the main default universe for my setting. This setting has a mixed genre, often blending realism with the 4 color universe of most comic books.

Universe M2: Universe M2 is a High Fantasy variation of the M1 setting. Where Medievalism, Magic, and Powers blend. A perfect setting for the W&W material. It is also a universe that has several natural portals which lead to the M1 Verse and back. Many of the Magical beings which were created after the Catyclysm in the M1 Verse, eventually moved here. And several heroes from M1 are actually from the M2 Universe.

Universe M3: Universe M3 is a post apocolyptic world that is almost 200 years in the future of the M1 Universe. Where the supernatural and high-technology has blended in a dark surreal future.
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Re: Mister B's :: The Best Random Builds in the Multiverse.

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M1 Universe Time Table

> 13 or 14 Billion Years B.C.
The Big Bang gives rise to the known physical universe.

> 12.9 Billion Years B.C.
The rise of the First races, the Adverse and the Verdani.

> 12.8 Billion Years B.C.
The Adverse and Verdani ascend.

> 4.5 Billion Years B.C.
Formation of the planet Earth from the Solar System accretion disk.

> 360 Million Years B.C.
A race known as the Czithlian come to Earth during the Carboniferous period, they are said to be Masters of Science and Magic. But their technology is biological nature. And the substance known as Gurond is introduced. They are rumored to be Demonic creatures, they populate the most primeval areas of Ancient Earth. They create a magical vortex which boosts the innate magical energy of the planet, creating the first true reign of magic.

> 285 Million Years B.C.
A reptilian species known as the Saurien, become the first Intelligent species on Earth. Thanks primarily to the genetic tampering of their Czithlian Masters. They become masters of Science, and a force for good. And break free of the shackles of their servitude. And thus begins the great war between them. During that period the material known as Nuru is discovered.

> 280 Million Years B.C.
The Adverse find planet Earth and join forces with the Czithlian, making them one of their most powerful servants in the Universe. However this would not remain unchecked for long, because the Verdani would arrive just in time to help the Saurien people in their struggle.

> 250 Million Years B.C.
The final war between the Czithlian and the Saurien, ends in a extinction event, that causes the Saurien to leave their Home planet of Earth and reach for the stars. The Czithlian and the Adverse control the planet, during this period. Many strange creatures are born from the Czithlian birthing pits to inhabit earth. Earth would be the playing ground of “Gods” , as the Adverse and the Verdani would fight their wars on Earth.

> 65 Million Years B.C.
Sensing the near destruction of the planet, the Czithlian retreat from Earth. They open up a dimensional corridor, and move into another reality. The Adverse save some of their greatest servants for many years to come. A very large Asteroid brings an end to the Reign of the Dinosaurs, in the last known major Extinction Event on the Planet. The flow of magic is diminished after the impact, but it is not gone. This makes dimensional travel difficult but not hard. A great island would also rise from the oceans depths, which would later be called Atlantis. With little left to keep them here, the Adverse and the Verdant would leave the earth to its own.

> 500,000 years B.C.
The evolutionary rise of Homo sapiens sapiens as a distinct species. The Adverse and the Verdani return to Planet Earth, to find this new life and watch on with interest to see how they develop. However the Adverse cannot help but meddle in the affairs of others, and instigate a new war. With our ancestors as their pawns.

> 50,000 years B.C.
A select few are chosen by the Adverse and the Verdani to be their servants on this new Earth. The Adverse create the Maecians, and the Verdani create the T`Khan. Their evolution is accelerated, and the Maecians adopt Organic Technology. While the T`khan adopt Science and the Powers of the Mind. This creates Crystal Technology, known as T energy. The T`khan inhabit the Island Nation of Atlantis, while the Maecians retreat to the Ancient realms of the Czithlian.

> 30,000 years B.C.
This is later known to the Chronicles, as the Time of the Gods. Homo Sapien Sapien reaches the peak of its evolution up to this point. The struggles between the Maecians and the T`khan would give rise to the Myths of many cultures through out earth. The Maecian re-open the magical doorways, that were once closed. And an influx of magical energy floods back into the word, creating an unstable doorway to the M2 Alternate Universe. Slippage between both realities, creates the myths and legends of “magical” creatures on Earth. They soon make alliances with their ancient allies the Czithlian.

> 20,000 Years B.C.
The war between the Maecians and the T`khan extend to the stars. And the Maecian adopt Mars as their home, while the T`khan set up bases on farther outposts. Such as Io.

> 11,000-10,000 Years B.C.
The end of the Last great Ice Age. Also spells the End of the War between the Maecians and the T`khan, and both races leave Earth for other systems in the Galaxy. Where they live now, is a great mystery. But they do not leave our system undefended, many servants of both races stay behind to help or hinder man as it grows. Water levels rise, and the destruction of Atlantis makes it disappear underneath the depths of the oceans. These two great powers spread out among man and mingle, creating hybrids which would later bet dubbed the first true Meta-Humans on the planet. It is from their genetic code, that has given us the potential for developing “super powers”.
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Re: Mister B's :: The Best Random Builds in the Multiverse.

Post by MisterB »

M1 Universe: The Origin of Powers
In the M1 Universe, the origin of super powers or Meta-human Abilities, come from several distinct origins. Which are discussed below.

Alien (very rare): A true alien is rare in the M1 Universe, though they do exist. They would rarely look even remotely human. The T`khan and the Maecian, are modified humans, and their influence can be seen in many different solar systems. Besides the Adverse, and Verdani, and guided the evolution of many species not just those on earth. Including the Saurien race.

Genetic (common): The Meta Human, is perhaps the most common form of power in the M1 Universe. And is only thanks to the meddling of our ancient T`khan and Maecian ancestors. A player should decide which gene pool they pull their genetics from. Just because a person has Maecian genetics, doesn't mean they will be a villain, but the predisposition is there. And Maecian genetics have a way of creating mutations in the body, which physically represent the powers they possess. But this is not always the case. This is why the Advantage Descendant was created, for those who possess a strong “genetic strain” in their physiology. Psionics also fall under the Genetic origin source.

Magic (rare): Unlike most comics, Magic is much more down to earth in the M1 Universe. It is far more likely to run into people who possess Ritualism over overt powers, but it does exist. Powerful Artifacts of magic, included. Though Magic is a far more rare occurrence then is usual. Most supernatural creatures, come from the M2 Universe that leaks somehow into our own. Though Dimensional Travel, is excessively difficult and rare to pull off (consider the difficulty +10 more than usual, and should always require an expertise: magic roll). Magical spells often include the ability to affect Insubstantial , and damaging spells often have the alternate resistance (willpower). Heroe's and villains, should create themes for their magic, and the GM should enforce this with prudence when they do creative casting. Magic follows three specific categories:
· Mental Powers. Mental powers often mimic most psionic effects, affecting the world the universe around them.
· Physical Powers. Physical Mages can usually draw their powers with out incantation, making them more useful. Though many of their powers , only affect themselves. Many physical mages, might confuse themselves with the Genetic Origin.
· Spiritual Powers. The spiritual mage draws upon outside forces, which is far more difficult to do and can be unpredictable. But is far more common, then the other forms of magic, drawing upon Invocation of strange beings.

Technology (uncommon): Technology is on the Rise in the M1 Universe, though not as “spectacular” in most comics. Battle Suits are not form fitting pieces of armor, Unless its Alien in nature. Like the Gurond armor, that the Maecian and T`khan use. But weapons are the most common purpose for Technology, and Cybernetics and Bio Mechanics are just now starting to find practical use, though still use.
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Richard B Riddick

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Richard B Riddick (PL8-120pp)

Abilities (58)
Strength 4, Stamina 4, Agility 3, Dexterity 3, Fighting 6, Intellect 2, Awareness 4, Presence 3

Defenses (10)
Dodge 6, Parry 6, Toughness 4/6, Fortitude 8, Willpower 8

Initiative +7, Melee Attack +6, Ranged Attack +5
Situation: +2 to attack/defense in darkness
Attack: Knife Fighting (+8 attack, Damage +5/+7 Thrown, Split Attack, Critical 17-20)

Skills (23)
Athletics 6/10, Close Combat 2/8 knives, Deception 4/7, Intimidation 6/9, Insight 4/8, Investigation 4/6, Perception 6/10, Stealth 4/8, Technology 4/6, Treatment 2/4, Vehicles 4/7

Advantages (20)
All out attack, ambidexterity, assessment, Defensive roll 2, Diehard, Elusive target, Favored Environment 2 (darkness), Improved Disarm, Improved Initiative, Instant up, Power attack, Ranged Attack 2, Startle, Takedown attack, Taunt, Throwing Mastery 2

Powers (16)
• Nerves of Steel: Immunity 4 (Intimdation/Fear) • 4
• Furyan Predator: Enhanced Trait (Animal Empathy) • 1
• Furyan ferocity: Enhanced Strength 1 (limited to damage) • 1
• Furyan Alpha-male: Super senses 1 (night vision, noticeable "eye shine") • 1
• Knife Fighter: Enhanced Trait 3 (Improved Critical 2, Split attack; limited to knives) • 2
• Blind Fighter: Super senses 4 (Blindsight-visual) • 4
• Furyan physiology: Immunity 6 (Toxins, mind probes; half save) • 3

Fame: A wanted criminal.
Weakness: Light sensitivity (-2 to all actions without goggles)
Enemies: Probably quite a few.
Motivation: himself.

Reference Material
https://m.youtube.com/watch?list=LLYB4b ... AeZhBfrlEc
http://www.atomicthinktank.com/viewtopi ... 11#p448811 (my original build)

I decided to do a playable version of Riddick, that and I had only ever done a 2nd edition build of the antihero. And since I am not one for writing I provided links to the material I used for this update.
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Re: Mister B's :: The Best Random Builds in the Multiverse.

Post by MisterB »

Thought I would transfer over some of my more popular builds from back in the day. Since I have to use a tablet for all my work these days I can't do all the bells and whistles I used to do. It pretty much tripples the time to do even one of these builds. So let's enjoy the rooster of the famous Atomik League.

"You too can save now! Low low prices on Aisle2!"
Real Name: Unknown
Origin: Technological Endowment
Profession: Owner of J-Mart, Figurine Collector & Comic Book Store
Team Affiliation: Atomik League (leader)
Age: 25
Height: 6'3", Weight: 225 lbs
Eyes: Blue, Hair: Blonde

Strength 5, Stamina 7, Agility 2, Dexterity 5, Fighting 7, Intellect 8, Awareness 2, Presence 2

All-out Attack, Attractive, Benefit (Wealth 1), Close Attack 4, Contacts, Equipment 4, Great Endurance, Improved Critical: Mjolnir Strike: Strength-based Damage 6, Improved Grab, Inspire, Inventor, Leadership, Power Attack, Ranged Attack 6

Athletics 3 (+8), Deception 5 (+7), Expertise: Business 5 (+13), Expertise: Engineering 7 (+15), Expertise: Tactics 5 (+13), Intimidation 13 (+15), Perception 8 (+10), Persuasion 4 (+6), Technology 10 (+18)

Mjolner II (Easily Removable)
. . Battle Array
. . . . Lightning Blast: Blast 11 (DC 26; Indirect: fixed point, directed away)
. . . . Mjolnir Strike: Strength-based Damage 6 (DC 26, Advantages: Improved Critical; Penetrating 11)
. . . . Mjolnir Throw: Strength-based Line Area Damage 6 (DC 26; Line Area: 5 feet wide by 30 feet long, Penetrating 11)
Thorpacolypse Armor (Removable)
. . Collective Strength: Variable 3 (Limited: Limited to those he has Acquired Samples of, Slow)
. . Flight: Flight 6 (Speed: 120 miles/hour, 1800 feet/round)
. . Immunity: Immunity 7 (Damage Effect: Electricity, Environmental Condition: Cold, Environmental Condition: Heat)
. . Power-lifting: Power-lifting 7 (+7 STR for lifting)
. . Protection: Protection 4 (+4 Toughness; Impervious [7 extra ranks])

Atomik League ID (Commlink, Computer, Security Clearance) 3, The J-Mart

Initiative +2
Grab, +11 (DC Spec 15)
Lightning Blast: Blast 11, +11 (DC 26)
Mjolnir Strike: Strength-based Damage 6, +11 (DC 26)
Mjolnir Throw: Strength-based Line Area Damage 6 (DC 26)
Throw, +11 (DC 20)
Unarmed, +11 (DC 20)

Motivation: Thrills: Let's face it.. being a super hero is what it's all about. Fighting the good fight, defeating evil, and drinking in the adulation.
Reputation: Even though he is the leader, he is rarely taken seriously by the super human community.
Responsibility: Thorp has a responsibility not only to the Atomik League, but his family, and his business.. Good thing he can deligate authority to his geeky store personal from time to time.
Secret: Thorp has to keep his identity a secret to protect those who he loves.


Dodge 5, Parry 11, Fortitude 12, Toughness 11, Will 10

Power Points
Abilities 76 + Powers 60 + Advantages 24 + Skills 20 (60 ranks) + Defenses 20 = 200

Builders Notes
Thorp, or Thorpacolypse, was a mild mannered comic books store owner, who got obsessed with becoming a super hero. He took college courses in Engineering and Science, and eventually built his own gear. He created a version of thor's hammer to help him fight crime. His masterpiece however is the Collective Strength Module (which allows him to take on the properties of any person he has a sample of within its compartment).
The J-Mart - PL 6

Toughness 12, Size Medium

Communications, Computer, Garage, Gym, Holding Cells, Living Space, Personnel, Power System, Secret 1, Security System 2, Workshop

Power Points
Abilities 1 + Powers 0 + Advantages 0 + Features 12 + Skills 0 (0 ranks) + Defenses 3 + Equipment 0 (0 ep) + Weapons & Armor 0 (0 ep) = 16
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Re: Mister B's :: The Best Random Builds in the Multiverse.

Post by Spectrum »

Welcome back!
We rise from the ashes so that new legends can be born.
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Re: Mister B's :: The Best Random Builds in the Multiverse.

Post by MisterB »

Randal - PL 6
"Get your own damn coffee."

Strength 2, Stamina 2, Agility 2, Dexterity 4, Fighting 4, Intellect 1, Awareness 2, Presence 0

Beginner's Luck, Connected, Defensive Attack, Equipment 5, Hide in Plain Sight, Improved Defense, Improved Smash, Improved Trip, Instant Up, Luck 2, Set-up, Taunt, Well-informed

Deception 8 (+8), Expertise: Business 2 (+3), Expertise: Popular Culture 2 (+3), Investigation 4 (+5), Perception 4 (+6), Stealth 4 (+6), Technology 3 (+4), Vehicles 2 (+6)

Collective Strength Module (Removable)
. . Variable: Variable 3 (Limited: Requires a sample of the person to gain their traits. , Slow)
Hiding on the Job: Concealment 4 (All Visual Senses; Limited: Only at J-Mart)

Atomik League ID (Commlink, Computer, Security Clearance) 3, Blaster Pistol, Bulletproof Vest, Truck

Initiative +2
Blaster Pistol, +4 (DC 20)
Grab, +4 (DC Spec 12)
Throw, +4 (DC 17)
Unarmed, +4 (DC 17)

Motivation: Recognition: Randal just wants the attention.. Not like he could handle much of a real super powered fight, he is more behind the scenes.
Reputation: Randal is something of a slacker, though he gets the job done.. But its usually at his own pace, and he's not really much of a team player.


Dodge 6, Parry 6, Fortitude 6, Toughness 6, Will 6

Power Points
Abilities 34 + Powers 16 + Advantages 18 + Skills 10 (29 ranks) + Defenses 14 = 92

Builder's Notes:
And here is the smart mouthing, wise cracking, J-Mart employee we have come to know.. and Love? He's Thorp's not so official sidekick, just not in super hero business. He works at JMart, and uses the Atomik League HQ to hang out at, and just in regular make a nuissance of himself. Randal is the League's un-official Acquisition's Expert. He has some decent skills in computers, and technology, and often finds "Cool" things to add to the HQ for the benefit of the Team... Or is it His? When did the Rec room, need that new PS4 with all the bells and whistles? He's an all around Jack of all Trades, when he applies himself. And tends to have a lucky streak. He has the potential to be quite the hero if he actually tried, he's got some decent skills too. Randal has a copy of Thorp's Collective Strength Module, so he can get out of a tight jam.
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Re: Mister B's :: The Best Random Builds in the Multiverse.

Post by MisterB »

Woodclaw - PL 11
"Yeah, yeah, yeah.. I got your electron spanner right here pal.. Bend over. "

Strength 6, Stamina 2, Agility 5, Dexterity 7, Fighting 7, Intellect 9, Awareness 4, Presence -1

Agile Feint, All-out Attack, Defensive Attack, Eidetic Memory, Equipment 3, Inventor, Jack-of-all-trades, Speed of Thought

Acrobatics 8 (+13), Athletics 3 (+9), Expertise: Artist 4 (+13), Expertise: Science 6 (+15), Expertise: Survival 4 (+13), Intimidation 6 (+5), Perception 6 (+10), Sleight of Hand 4 (+11), Technology 8 (+21/+17), Treatment 4 (+13)

Diagnostic Scanner (Easily Removable)
. . Senses: Senses 10 (Analytical: Taste, Analytical: Technology Detection, Awareness: Energy Detector, Detect: Technology 1, Direction Sense, Extended: Analytical Taste 1: x10, Microscopic Vision 3: molecule-size, Time Sense)
Enhanced Atomik League Outfit (Removable)
. . Gravity Projector: Force Field 8 (+8 Toughness; Impervious)
. . Gravity Thrusters: Flight 4 (Speed: 30 miles/hour, 500 feet/round)
. . Holographic Disguise: Morph 1 (+20 Deception checks to disguise; Single form)
. . Protection: Protection 2 (+2 Toughness)
Hyper Invention (Advantages: Inventor)
. . Ingenuity: Enhanced Trait 3 (Traits: Technology +4 (+21), Advantages: Jack-of-all-trades; Limited: Only for Inventing)
. . Quickness: Quickness 6 (Perform routine tasks in -6 time ranks; Limited to One Task: Inventing)
WeaponsBelt (Removable)
. . Gravity Pulse Beam: Blast 11 (DC 26)
. . . . Gravity Push: Cone Area Affliction 11 (Alternate; 1st degree: Impaired, 2nd degree: Disabled, DC 21; Alternate Resistance (Dodge), Cone Area: 60 feet cone; Limited Degree)

Atomik League Card (Computer, Commlink, Security Clearance) 3, Utility Belt (Computer, Gas Mask, GPS Receiver, Handcuffs, Mini-tracer, Multi-tool, Pockets 0, Toolkit (Basic))

Initiative +9
Grab, +7 (DC Spec 16)
Gravity Pulse Beam: Blast 11, +7 (DC 26)
Gravity Push: Cone Area Affliction 11 (DC Dog/Fort/Will 21)
Throw, +7 (DC 21)
Unarmed, +7 (DC 21)

Motivation: Justice: Woodclaw appears as if he is always pushing himself much farther than anyone else, with a thirst to right injustic.
Prejudice: Mutie
Temper: Woodclaw has a tendency to lash out when provoked.


Dodge 7, Parry 7, Fortitude 6, Toughness 12, Will 11

Power Points
Abilities 78 + Powers 54 + Advantages 8 + Skills 27 (53 ranks) + Defenses 13 = 180

Builders Notes:
Woodlcaw is the resident Tech Wizard, making new gadgets for the team. But he appears to have a chip on his shoulder the size of a city block. So stay on his good side. His mutant power is a natural intuitive ability to create; and some minor super strength.
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Re: Mister B's :: The Best Random Builds in the Multiverse.

Post by MisterB »

Prodigy Duck - PL 10
"I can do anything!" <Rummaging through his dice bag>

Strength 0, Stamina 3, Agility 0, Dexterity 2, Fighting 0, Intellect 2, Awareness 8, Presence 0

Equipment 1

Close Combat: Create Melee Weapon: Strength-based Damage 10 10 (+10), Deception 5 (+5), Expertise: Roleplaying Games 7 (+9), Perception 5 (+13)

Create Illusion: Illusion 5 (Affects: All Sense Types, Area: 60 cft., DC 15; Illusion Area)
Flight: Flight 4 (Speed: 30 miles/hour, 500 feet/round)
Guise: Morph 4 (+20 Deception checks to disguise; Any form)
Molecular Creation
. . Create Armor: Protection 7 (+7 Toughness; Impervious [3 extra ranks], Variable Descriptor: close group - Any medieval armor)
. . Create Clothing: Feature 1
. . Create Melee Weapon: Strength-based Damage 10 (DC 25; Variable Descriptor: close group - Any melee weapon)

Atomik League Card (Computer, Commlink, Security Clearance) 3

Initiative +0
Create Melee Weapon: Strength-based Damage 10, +10 (DC 25)
Grab, +0 (DC Spec 10)
Throw, +2 (DC 15)
Unarmed, +0 (DC 15)

Motivation: Thrills: Prodigy Duck is in it for the fun and excitement of being able to do anything.
Quirk: Geek: Prodigy loves table top gaming, its that love which ended up allowing his powers to surface. So unfortunately he's not the most sociable fellow.


Dodge 7, Parry 10, Fortitude 6, Toughness 10, Will 10

Power Points
Abilities 30 + Powers 88 + Advantages 1 + Skills 9 (27 ranks) + Defenses 22 = 150

Builders Notes:
Here is my original idea for Prodigy, if you dont like characters who have untold powers. Through the use of his Guise and Mattter Creation, he can literally play the part of any character he wishes. While his Illusionary powers allow him to create the environment he needs for playing out his adventures in reality.
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Re: Mister B's :: Riddick & The Atomik League

Post by MisterB »

Psi Strike - PL 11

Strength 4/0, Stamina 4/0, Agility 2, Dexterity 3, Fighting 4, Intellect 5, Awareness 8, Presence 0

Attractive, Benefit, Wealth 2 (indepently wealthy), Contacts, Daze (Deception), Great Endurance, Second Chance: Mind Control, Teamwork

Athletics 3 (+7), Close Combat: Psi Strike: Damage 10 6 (+10), Deception 10 (+10), Expertise: Sociology 5 (+10), Expertise: Writing 5 (awa; +13), Insight 8 (+16), Perception 5 (+13), Persuasion 5 (+5), Stealth 5 (+11), Treatment 2 (+7), Vehicles 2 (+5)

Dwarfism: Shrinking 4 (+4 Stealth, +2 active defenses, -1 size category; Innate, Normal Strength; Permanent)
Earth Form (Activation: Free Action)
. . Burrowing: Burrowing 4 (Speed: 1 mile/hour, 15 feet/round; Penetrating)
. . Enhanced Trait: Enhanced Trait 16 (Traits: Stamina +4 (+4), Strength +4 (+4))
. . Immunity: Immunity 7 (Enviromental Conditions (All), Suffocation (All))
. . Power-lifting: Power-lifting 2 (+2 STR for lifting)
. . Protection: Protection 7 (+7 Toughness; Impervious [6 ranks only])
. . Base: Mind Reading: Mind Reading 10 (DC 20) + Thought Projection: Mental Area Communication 2 (Area)
. . Aura of Wellness: Affliction 10 (Alternate; 1st degree: Entranced, 2nd degree: Compelled, 3rd degree: Transformed, Resisted by: Will, DC 20; Increased Duration: concentration, Increased Range 2: perception; Limited: Limited to feelings of wellness and happiness)
. . Mental Blast: Mental Blast 7 (Alternate; DC 22)
. . Mind Control: Mind Control 7 (Alternate; DC 17)
. . Psi Strike: Damage 10 (Alternate; DC 25; Alternate Resistance: Will, Penetrating 10)
. . Psychic Stun: Affliction 10 (Alternate; 1st degree: Dazed, 2nd degree: Stunned, 3rd degree: Incapacitated, Resisted by: Will, DC 20; Increased Range 2: perception)

Atomik League ID Card (Commlink, Computer, Security Clearance) 0

Initiative +2
Aura of Wellness: Affliction 10 (DC Will 20)
Grab, +4 (DC Spec 14)
Mental Blast: Mental Blast 7 (DC Will 22)
Mind Control: Mind Control 7 (DC Will 17)
Mind Reading: Mind Reading 10 (DC Will 20)
Psi Strike: Damage 10, +10 (DC Will 25)
Psychic Stun: Affliction 10 (DC Will 20)
Throw, +3 (DC 19)
Unarmed, +4 (DC 19)

Motivation: Acceptance: PsiStrike only wants to be accepted by the world and people around her.
Power Loss: Can only assume her earth form, when around loose earth and other natural earthen matter.
Prejudice: Psi Strike is not only a mutant, but she suffers from Dwarfism as well.
Secret: Keeping her identity a secret, is paramount.
Fame: PsiStrike is a famous book writer in Sociology.


Dodge 9, Parry 7, Fortitude 12, Toughness 11, Will 10

Power Points
Abilities 44 + Powers 94 + Advantages 8 + Skills 18 (56 ranks) + Defenses 16 = 180
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Re: Mister B's :: Riddick & The Atomik League

Post by MisterB »

Lord Arthur Eld - PL 13

Strength 1, Stamina 2, Agility 2, Dexterity 5, Fighting 5, Intellect 8, Awareness 8, Presence 3

Artificer, Assessment, Benefit, Ambidexterity, Benefit, Status: Lord, Benefit, Status: Master Mage, Benefit, Wealth 3 (millionare), Connected, Contacts, Equipment 11, Extraordinary Effort, Improved Critical 2: Eld Staff Strike: Strength-based Damage 3, Inspire, Jack-of-all-trades, Languages 1, Power Attack, Ranged Attack 8, Ritualist, Teamwork, Trance

Athletics 3 (+4), Close Combat: Eld Staff Strike: Strength-based Damage 3 3 (+8), Deception 10 (+13), Expertise: Arcane 10 (+18), Expertise: History 8 (+16), Perception 10 (+18), Persuasion 5 (+8), Sleight of Hand 6 (+11), Stealth 3 (+5), Treatment 3 (+11)

Magic of the Isles
. . Conjuration: Conjuration 4 (Custom 2: Accurate Conjuration, Custom 9: Increased DC (total Dc +13), Increased Mass 10, Increased Range: perception)
. . Dimensional Travel : Movement 2 (Dimensional: CMagical Realms 2: group, 3200 lbs.; Increased Mass 6)
. . Eldritch Chains: Snare 7 (DC 17; Increased Duration 2: sustained, Increased Range: perception)
. . Eldrtich Volley: Blast 10 (DC 25; Affects Insubstantial 2: full rank, Alternate Resistance: Will, Multiattack)
. . Fog of Slumber
. . . . Eldritch Fog: Cloud Area Concealment Attack 2 (Sense - Sight, DC 12; Cloud Area: 15 feet radius sphere, Attack: Dodge, Increased Range 2: perception)
. . . . Eldritch Sleep: Cloud Area Affliction 8 (1st degree: Fatigued, 2nd degree: Exhausted, 3rd degree: Asleep, Resisted by: Will, DC 18; Cloud Area: 15 feet radius sphere, Increased Range 2: perception)
. . Master of Shapes: Burst Area Morph 4 (+20 Deception checks to disguise; Any form; Affects Others, Burst Area: 30 feet radius sphere, Increased Range 2: perception, Selective)
. . Mind Reading: Mind Reading 13 (DC 23; Sensory Link; Limited by Language)
. . Teleport: Teleport 9 (2 miles in a move action, carrying 100 lbs.; Change Direction, Change Velocity, Easy, Extended: 500 miles in 2 move actions, Increased Mass)
Master Mage
. . Enhanced Trait: Enhanced Trait 3 (Advantages: Benefit, Status: Master Mage, Extraordinary Effort, Power Attack; Limited: Only to Magical Effects)
. . Magical Awareness: Senses 4 (Accurate: Magic Awareness, Analytical: Magic Awareness, Awareness: Magic (mental))
. . Mind Shield: Impervious Will 13
Remote Sensing: Remote Sensing 17 (Affects: 3 Types - Visual & Hearing, Range: 500 miles; Subtle: DC 20+rank; Limited: Body is prone and defenseless)
. . Eldritch Power
. . . . Eldritch Flight: Flight 4 (Speed: 30 miles/hour, 500 feet/round)
. . . . Eldritch Shield: Force Field 11 (+11 Toughness; Affects Insubstantial 2: full rank, Impervious [2 extra ranks])
The Eld Staff (Easily Removable)
. . Collapsible into a Cane: Feature 1
. . Eld Staff Strike: Strength-based Damage 3 (DC 19, Advantages: Improved Critical 2)
. . Illumination: Environment 3 (Light, Light (Bright), Radius: 120 feet)
. . Mystic Defenses: Enhanced Trait 10 (Traits: Dodge +5 (+13), Parry +5 (+13))

Atomik League Card (Computer, Commlink, Security Clearance) 3, Limousine, Private Jet, Stately Manor

Initiative +2
Conjuration: (DC 23)
Eld Staff Strike: Strength-based Damage 3, +8 (DC 19)
Eldritch Chains: Snare 7 (DC Dog 17)
Eldritch Fog: Cloud Area Concealment Attack 2 (DC Dog 12)
Eldritch Sleep: Cloud Area Affliction 8 (DC Will 18)
Eldrtich Volley: Blast 10, +13 (DC Will 25)
Grab, +5 (DC Spec 11)
Mind Reading: Mind Reading 13 (DC Will 23)
Throw, +13 (DC 16)
Unarmed, +5 (DC 16)

Motivation: Responsibility: Being a member of the Eld family, means he must o protect the isles and the earth from Supernatural threats.
Power Loss: Arthur Eld's magical abilities are lost, if he cannot chant or use gestures. Also the farther away he is from the Isles, the less effective his magic is. Loosing 1 rank every day he is away from them.
Responsibility: Being of the Eld Children, puts enormous responsibilities on his shoulders Not just from being a titled lord, in her majesties service.

English, Latin

Dodge 13/8, Parry 13/8, Fortitude 10, Toughness 13, Will 16

Power Points
Abilities 68 + Powers 119 + Advantages 34 + Skills 21 (61 ranks) + Defenses 25 = 267

Stately Manor - PL 5

Toughness 10, Size Huge

Communications, Computer, Concealed 1, Dock, Garage, Gym, Hangar, Infirmary, Laboratory, Library, Living Space, Personnel, Power System, Security System 3, Workshop

Power Points
Abilities 3 + Powers 0 + Advantages 0 + Features 17 + Skills 0 (0 ranks) + Defenses 2 + Equipment 0 (0 ep) + Weapons & Armor 0 (0 ep) = 22
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Re: Mister B's :: Riddick & The Atomik League

Post by Jabroniville »

Are you the guy who statted a bunch of board folk all those years ago? Like Libra was the Silver Surfer or something? I remember that from long ago :).
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